Big Brother 15 Episode 31 Spoiler: Amanda Zuckerman EVICTED and McCranda Split Up – Betrayed By Andy Herren!

Big Brother 15 Episode 31 Spoiler: Amanda Zuckerman EVICTED and McCranda Split Up - Betrayed By Andy Herren!Big Brother 15 Episode 31 Spoiler: Amanda Zuckerman EVICTED and McCranda Split Up - Betrayed By Andy Herren!

Tomorrow night we will get to see who will be eliminated in the Big Brother 15 house, either Amanda Zuckerman or Spencer Clawson. For a couple of days it looked certain that Amanda was going to be walking out of the house, Amanda was at war with everyone. Tonight’s live episode 30 offered nothing much new for those of us who pay attention.

But a few days ago Amanda apologized to Elissa Slater and made her an offer that Elissa could not refuse. Elissa agreed that for her game play Amanda’s offer made sense. To prove she would keep her word she gave Amanda her diamond wedding ring as collateral.

Amanda assumed that with McCrae Olson, Elissa and Andy Herren on her side she would be safe. That is where the problem began – as soon as Andy found out that Elissa had decided to save Amanda he ran to GinaMarie Zimmerman, Spencer and Judd Daugherty his new alliance, “The Exterminators” and let them in on the plan.

For the last couple of days Andy has played both sides of the house promising Amanda he is saving her and going back to his alliance and laughing about how blindsided Amanda will be. Andy is a total bitch – a repulsive coward and we hope he goes home ASAP!

Add to all of this Andy, the rat, also decided he would tell McCrae that he voted to save Amanda and it was Elissa who betrayed McCranda to make McCrae mad at Elissa. Andy also thought it was hilarious that Elissa will lose her wedding ring to Amanda. So what we see here is that while Amanda has convinced Elissa to join with her and McCrae believing Andy will follow along, the fact is that Andy is planning a double cross. Based on the available evidence and baring any unexpected changes it looks like Amanda is going to be evicted Thursday night with Andy playing Judas.  Unless of course Amanda has that Diamond Power of Veto!

Annemarie LeBlanc:
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