Big Brother 15 Candice Stewart Leaves Jury To Re-Enter The Game and Big Brother House?

Big Brother 15 has been a really exciting season so far. Although, we could have done with a lot less racial and homophobic slurs. The good thing is, now it really is starting to feel like a game again when the house guests appear to be more focused on the game play than verbally bashing each other. Rumour has it that Amanda Zukerman is going to win the whole thing, but I am really hoping that that is not going to happen.

In the last episode of Big Brother, host Julie Chen hinted at a new twist, “You should know, just because you’re on the jury it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re out of the game“. At first I thought that it meant BB would give the MVP power to the jury, but Julie told us that the third nominee is done with. So, what this probably means is that there is going to be a Pandora’s Box around the corner and a jury member will be returning to the house.

Judd returning would upset the women, because the men will be back and have some power over them. But, if Candice Stewart returns, the house will explode with Amanda’s reaction as she was gunning for Candice to be evicted from the beginning. Candice was so horribly verbally abused by Amanda and I would love to see her come back and get revenge on her.

You know what they say about a woman scorned, Candice would do everything she could to get the house turned around against Amanda and have her ousted on her ass. The worse case scenario for Candice, would be if Judd returned to the BB house and Amanda was evicted and sent to the Jury house. If Amanda and Candice were put alone in the Jury house, BB would have to get a bodyguard for each of them 24 hours a day, yikes!

I can guarantee you one thing, the drama is not over and the twist is going to be big, stay tuned!

Dorothy Gale:
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