Tonight Big Brother was back for an all new episode and we recapped it LIVE right here another house guest was voted out. Jessie was sent to the jury house to join Judd who she says she has a bone to pick with. The new HoH was crowned as well and that was Aaryn; which now makes it her fourth time as HoH.
At the end of the show, Julie told us viewers that next Thursday there is going to be a big game changer twist and that is, whichever house guest gets voted out next week will have a chance to play with the three jurors; Candice, Judd and Jessie to compete in a game that will bring one of them back in the game to compete.
Personally, I think it will either be Jessie or Candice that makes it back in. Both of these women were humiliated so much by the other house guests and I think they both have it in for a lot of them which will help them drum up some underlining strength to win whatever competition Julie throws at them.
On to who will be going on the block next week, definitely Spencer because he is the obvious choice and GinaMarie because she had another riff with Aaryn. I think “the house” would most likely want to get rid of GinaMarie before Spencer because she is a much stronger competitor.
We haven’t seen a Pandora’s box or golden power of veto so I wouldn’t be thinking that a juror coming back into the house is the only “big twist” that Julie has in store for us.