Big Brother 15 Episode 19 Double Live Eviction 8/8/13 and Jury Shocker Spoilers – Who Is Evicted!

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Tonight’s episode 18 of Big Brother Season 15 was all about who would win the ultimate Power of Veto. The third nominee is revealed and once again that nomination made by America causes uproar in the house. If you are like me and can’t wait to see what happens on Live Eviction night, which just so happens to be a double Live Eviction tomorrow, be sure to check out our sneak peek video and spoilers from tomorrow night’s episode.

After her nominations speech GinaMarie assures Jessie that she is not going home. GinaMarie then tries to smooth things over with Candice just in case Candice doesn’t go home. Spencer brings up the idea that the MVP is not in the house but Amanda doesn’t take him seriously thinking that America would never put her up.

The third nomination is announced and once again America chose Amanda, which of course sends her on a tirade. After the announcement players for the Power of Veto are chosen. The lucky houseguests are GinaMarie, Amanda, Candice, Jessie, Spencer and Judd. After the third nominee is announced Helen, Candice, Elisa and Amanda all think that Judd is the MVP.

The Veto completion is called Frog Dart. Basically each houseguest has to throw a stuffed frog into a lily pad worth points. The houseguest with the least points each round is eliminated. The eliminated competitor gets to pick worm bucket, which has a prize. It is one of those that the next eliminated can pick new prize or take from someone else. Amanda and Candice fight during the whole Veto competition stopping it multiple times. Amanda is instigating the whole thing making everyone including McCrae annoyed with her.

In the end GinaMarie got two days of wearing the doggie cone of shame. Amanda has to get sprayed orange every time a buzzer goes off, which is once an hour. Spencer won a week in the Bahamas. Candice has to wear a clownitard. Judd won $5,000 and Jessie got the Veto thanks to Judd, who came in first not taking it from her.

McCrae loses it with Amanda after her actions at the Veto competition. He calls her a bully and she has no clue what she did wrong. Their relationship is crumbling and he begins to question in alliance with her.

At the Veto ceremony Jessie saves herself and GinaMarie puts Spencer up as a replacement nominee.

Spoiler alert: If you’re one of those people who doesn’t like spoilers, stop reading now! We have some juicy spoilers for you about the Eviction show tomorrow night.

It is double eviction night on Thursday, which means a weeks worth of Big Brother in one night and anything can happen.

There will be an attempt to flip the house once again to get out a big target but once again it will fail.

Helen’s BBQ party will take place and there is a competition to see who is the fourth person who gets to attend. It is a GinaMarie off, who can be the best GinaMarie and it will be hilarious.

All the punishments from tonight’s show are still in play so be prepared to see more of those awesome punishments played out.

Ever since Julie Chen sent out a Tweet with the Big Brother reset button picture in it the social media world has been a buzz. That tweet means something and it could be revealed tomorrow night.

Since it is a Double Eviction night tomorrow that isn’t going to leave a lot of time for what has been going on in the house footage. What can be expected is two people will be going home, one HOH will be a question and answer and one will be endurance. It is going to be one heck of a show so make sure you tune in at 9PM EST.

Rachelle Thomas:
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