Big Brother 15 Episode 24 Spoiler: Who Is Evicted and Which HG Battles Amanda Zuckerman

Wednesday is all new episode 24 of Big Brother 15 and things are really getting messed up in the house. In the last episode, Elissa won the POV and since then she took herself off the block. Spencer was put up as a replacement and unless he does anything really stupid, Helen will be the one going to the jury house. Meanwhile, Helen thinks Spencer is going and she has no idea that she is going, what an idiot. Helen had every opportunity in this game to make a big power move and she choose to do nothing. So, Helen deserves the jury house.

A full blown Amanda vs. Helen explosion is brewing. Helen had a conversation with Andy and he ran like a little rat all the way back to Amanda and told her everything. Helen tells him that Amanda is a bad person who bullies everyone and if she goes home, the rest of the house will be targeting Amanda and McCrae.

McCrae tries to calm down Amanda and tells her that there is only one variable that can f*ck them now, that is Elissa. So the plan is that Andy will go to Elissa and tell her that Helen tried to cut a deal and save herself, she would vote off Elissa if the house wanted her to. This way, Elissa will be on their side.

Amanda keeps chanting, “we got a bully in this house she’s evil.. she’s evil we got a bully in this house and she’s a mother f*** fox”, this is making McCrae really nervous because Helen could overhear and thinks Amanda’s temper is going to get the best of her, so he tells her to shut her f*cking mouth. Amanda tells McCrae to shut his mouth and vows she won’t say anything.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out, we’ll keep you posted.

Dorothy Gale:
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