Big Brother 15 Episode 28 Spoiler – Aaryn Gries Evicted and McCrae Olson Betrayed!

This week the Big Brother 15 house was turned upside down when Elissa won HoH and put up Aaryn and McCrae, two of Amanda’s strongest allies. Then when Amanda won the PoV and took McCrae off the block, Elissa made an even bigger and bolder move when she put up Andy who has been another strong ally in Amanda’s 3 a.m. alliance.

Amanda was so outraged by Elissa making such a bold move that she went into a completely psychotic tirade against her that lasted for an entire day and included defacing Elissa’s memory wall with condoms. While Amanda was busy with her her little one woman show, the men were busy plotting to shake up the house next week and create a new alliance that does not include Amanda and back stabs her little boy toy, McCrae, at the same time.

Spencer and Andy have made a final four deal with Judd and Ginamarie and they call themselves The Exterminators. But, to keep McCrae off their scent, they tell him that they are making a new all guy alliance.

So the plan is to get rid of Aaryn because nobody has any more use for her and keep Andy so he can bring solid numbers into the new all guy alliance.

What is in store for Amanda? Well, there isn’t one person in the house at this point that does not want to see her gone and it looks like whomever wins the HoH will be putting her up on the block.  Of course we have reported that Amanda is slated to win the entire competition and that producer Allison Grodner has the fix in.  Let’s see how that works out!

Dorothy Gale:
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