Big Brother 15 Episode 29 Spoiler – GinaMarie Zimmerman Wins HoH – Breaks Up Amanda Zuckerman and McCrae Olson

Big Brother 15 Episode 29 Spoiler - GinaMarie Zimmerman Wins HoH - Breaks Up Amanda Zuckerman and McCrae OlsonBig Brother 15 Episode 29 Spoiler - GinaMarie Zimmerman Wins HoH - Breaks Up Amanda Zuckerman and McCrae Olson

Last night Big Brother 15 left us fans in the middle of a chicken coop competition where the house guests had to weave eggs through a chicken-wire fence. After a long and grueling competition, GinaMarie has come out as the winner. After the competition GinaMarie meets with Spencer and tells him that she may be blond, but she is not Aaryn; she is gunning to break up Amanda and McCrae.

Spencer and Judd were the biggest losers and they have to wear chicken suits for 48 hours. Meanwhile, Andy is filling Amanda with a load of crap, he tells her that GinaMarie hasn’t made up her mind who she is going put up, yet he is in the Exterminator alliance with her. Amanda continues her taunting and then starts trying to say to Elissa that she didn’t even like Jessie. Andy tells the women to act like ladies and calm down. Elissa says that she loved Jessie and then she tells Andy to not call them ladies because there is only one in the room.

We can see by now that if the game is rigged and Amanda is going to win this competition, as we have been hearing from our sources, something big and mysterious is going to have to happen soon.  CDL will continue to scope out every source and let you know what we learn as soon as we learn it.

Dorothy Gale:
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