Big Brother 2013 Who Won The POV Competition – Season 15 Episode 18 Spoilers

When Big Brother 15 ended off last week the house guests were in the middle of the HOH competition and since then, a lot has happened. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, you can read the full and detailed recap right HERE.

Tensions are at an all time high in the house and Amanda is starting to feel threatened which made her completely flip out on Jessie. The two women had a good old fashioned cat fight and we have all the details right HERE for you.

I was hoping that Jessie would win the HOH and take down both Amanda and her fiance, McCrae, but sadly that didn’t happen. Ginamarie won the HOH.

SPOILER WARNING – Big Brother 15 spoilers below.

Candice, Jessie and Amanda are on the block, on to the POV competition and Jessie won some sort of frog game. Candice has to wear a clown suit for a week, Spencer won a trip to the Bahamas and Judd won $5000. Amanda got something out of the POV competition as well, she is going to be spray tanned throughout the next 48 hours every time the house guests hear the music “50 Shades of Orange”. Lastly, there was shame prize given out, it was to Ginamarie and she has to wear a dog cone for 48 hours that is called the “Cone of Shame”. There are no Have Nots for the week.

We know Jessie won’t use the POV against Amanda, that is almost a certain guarantee. But, will she use it on herself or Candice?  Let’s bet she saves herself!

Amanda heads to the Have Not room and starts reading the bible after the POV compeition, can’t figure that one out? McCrae, Andy, Judd and Elissa go in to speak to her and tell her that she is safe because they have seven votes against Candice and she is the one going home.

Dorothy Gale:
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