Big Brother 15 Recap 8/8/13: Episode 19 “Live Eviction”

Tonight on CBS BIG BROTHER returns for the ninteenth episode of their 15th season. On tonight’s episode we see what happens on the live “Eviction Show” and who will be going home: Amanda, Candice or Spencer. Did you watch the last episode where the MVP was announced and the Veto competition was held? We did and we recapped it right here for you!

On last night’s show before the PoV competition was run we got to find out who the MVP put up on the block and it was Amanda.  She was totally pissed and tried to bully everyone who was competition in the Veto competition to use it on her.  At the veto competition Gina Marie, Judd, Spencer, Jesse, Candice and Amanda competed.  Candice won a clowntard she has to wear, Judd $5000 and Jess won PoV.  During the competition there was a bitter argument between Amanda and Candice.  Jesse used the Veto on her self and the replacement nominee GinaMarie put on the block was Spencer.

On tonight’s show we will get to see who goes home.  Spencer, Amanda or Candice.  It seems likely it will be Candice going home but you never know.  I would hope Amanda gets sent home she is totally disgusting with all her rude and racist comments.  Unbenownst to the houseguests tonight is going to be a double elimination and we will see one week in one night.

Big Brother 2013 airs tonight at 9 PM EST with its eleventh episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you?  Who do you think America is going to put up for eviction?  While you wait for the recap, let us know what you think of this season of Big Brother, so far?

RECAP: It is double eviction night, but the two people that are evicted will become part of the jury. Amanda decides to take a different strategy with Jessie, being nice, but it is all fake. Amanda is just trying to make sure that she doesn’t go home, thankfully Jessie doesn’t believe a word she is saying. Andy has been working with Amanda, McCrae and Judd; they have a final four deal. Judd tells Amanda no more emotional outbursts, she says ok, but she thinks Judd is the MVP and doesn’t really trust him.

Jessie knows that Helen controls the house, so she tries to convince Helen that it would be a golden opportunity to back door Amanda. Jessie starts planting the seed, she then approaches Judd and tells him that it could change the whole gang.

Helen then approaches Andy and tells him that McCrae and Amanda are too comfortable, she spills on the thought of voting out Amanda. Andy doesn’t like it, he could lose one of his biggest allies in the house, he tells her he thinks it is too early to make that type of move. Jessie is with Helen and Candice who tells them that Amanda and McCrae are in control and they should break them up.

Julie approaches the house guests and tells them that nine of them will determine the winner of Big Brother, so tonight, the person who is voted out will become the first juror. Tonight, it is double eviction night and just because you are on the jury, doesn’t mean you are out of the game. The nominees now have one last chance to plead their case. Candice and Ginamarie get into a screaming match and Julie has to tell them to calm down.

McCrae is the first to head to the diary room, he chooses to evict Candice. Aaryn votes for Candice, Helen votes for Candice, Jessie votes for Candice; it’s official, with four votes for Candice, she is the one to be evicted tonight.

Julie asks Candice about the nasty fight she had with Amanda and the racist things that were said in the house; she asks how hard was it to bite her tongue in the house. Candice says that she stood up for herself and stayed true to herself, although it was really difficult.

Time for the HOH competition, it is time to go to summer school; the house guests will have to answer questions about things that have gone on in the house this summer.  Aaryn is the new HOH, nominations will happen in the next few minutes. Aaryn is conflicted over what she has to do, but it it is clearly not her decision, her alliance is making the decision for her. Julie calls the house guests to the living room, it is time for the nominations. Julie announces that she has another surprise, the MVP twist is officially over, there will no longer be three people put up for eviction every week. Aaryn nominates Jessie and Spencer for elimination. There is one last chance to save themselves, I hope Jesse wins it.

It is time for the HOH competition, it is called “Nailed It”. The house guests have to make a puzzles with the nails and the winner is Aaryn. Aaryn takes Jessie off the block and decides to put Judd on the block, because he has been playing her and the other house guests – she further says that if she doesn’t make this move that the other house guests will to it that she is voted out.

It is time to vote, it is clear that Judd is going home after everyone votes to evict him; that was fast. Everyone tells Judd they love him, yet he is walking out the door. Judd tells Julie that he was blindsided and has no idea what happened. Judd tells Julie that Amanda is running the house.  That is it for tonight, we have to wait till Sunday to find out who wins the HOH.

Dorothy Gale:
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