This season 15 of Big Brother has had to have had the worst houseguests ever on a reality tv show in television history. The houseguests have truly put a new spin on trashy TV and guess what? The three remaining guests, Spencer, GinaMarie, and Andy have all been censured by their employers and GinaMarie and Andy dismissed for their nasty behavior inside the house. Let’s not forget that Julie Chen was outed as a drunk by Andy and Spencer as well.
Spencer is by far the worst left in the house and there is no way that Big Brother wants him to win. After all, what would it look like if CBS let a guy win who thought child porn was entertaining? Do you remember when Spencer said, “I like to beat off to child porn. Did I ever tell y’all about that? I love it. Beating off to child porn is my
favorite thing there is?” Yep, that is what the lowlife degenerate said. And then there is GinaMarie who has made some pretty horrific and offensive comments about race. GinaMarie’s comments towards Elissa’s son were the worst when she said, “looks like a fucking Spanish Puerto Rican little dirt fucking…” and lets not forget GinaMarie’s description of welfare, she called it “Nigger Insurance“.
So what do we have left? Andy who can at least do one thing positive. He can be the first “out and proud” gay winner of Big Brother. This will give Big Brother 15 and CBS a chance to get some good press out of the mountain loads of bad press they have already gotten. Andy was also a victim in the house of the homophobic slurs, so it makes sense that they would want the victim to prevail in the end. When you think of it, Andy acted like a rat – yes he lied and deceived his way to the top – but which Big Brother houseguest hasn’t done that before him? Andy winning is the only way for CBS to salvage what is left of this cesspool that we call Big Brother 15.