Big Brother 2013 RECAP 7/17/13: Season 15 Episode 9 “PoV Competition”

Tonight on CBS BIG BROTHER returns for the ninth episode of their 15th season. On tonight’s episode we see what happens in the third PoV competition of the season. Did you watch the last episode where the elimination nominations we announced? We did and we recapped it right here for you!

On last episode now that Helen was in control of the house she had decisions to make.  She had to decide who she would put up for eviction.  We also had to deal with more of GinaMarie’s drama fest over Nick being voted out of the house.  I swear I wanted to slap her and her crocodile tears.  Aaryn continued to be a mega biatchy and dropped racial slurs right, left and center.  However, when Amanda brought to her attention how vile she was she decided perhaps she should make an apology to Candice about her vile comments.  Candice did not buy the apology for one minute.  By the end of the show the have nots were chosen.  Judd, Amanda and McCrae were the have nots for the week.  Helen named her nominations for eviction and she chose Aaryn and Kaitlin.

On tonight’s show we will see  what happened in the PoV competition.  This week will be a puzzle competition.  We will also find out who America has chose to be MVP this week.  Will it be Elissa again?  Who will be the their nominee going up, we will find out tonight.

Big Brother 2013 airs tonight at 8 PM EST with its ninth episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you?  While you wait for the recap, check out the sneak peek of tonight’s episode below.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Helen wants Aaryn gone but she is rethinking her decision.  Since Aaryn is so hate she may be a good person to take to the end.  Meanwhile Aaryn is not surprised she was nominated she knows she has a target on her back.

Helen decides to meet with her alliance they talk about how they are going to backdoor Jeremy.   Amanda thinks the second important person to get out of the house is the second power-fullest, Howard.  Howard lied to Helen and told her he was not part of the moving company.  Helen finds out he lied.

Helen and Spencer meets he wants to tell her a few things.  He tells her about the moving company and who was in it.  Helen tells Spencer that Howard said he was not part of the Moving Company.   Helen starts crying and then she says in private the tears are all pretend.  She tells Spencer that he and Howard disappointed her, more fake tears.

Spencer realizes that Howard has to go see Helen and tell her the truth about the Moving Company or it is all going to go bad.  He tells Howard he needs to own up to it.

Elissa finds out she has been nominated Big Brother MVP again.  This is the third week in a row and she is thrilled.  She now feels Helen and her have all the power.  McCrae and Amanda try to convince Elissa to put Howard up for eviction.  Elissa knows Amanda and McCrae are trying to get her to do their dirty work.

Howard realizes he has to come clean to Helen for his conscious and so she does not put him up for eviction.  He approaches Helen and makes a bunch of excuses that he lied and he does not want to do that anymore.  Bla Bla he is now on her side.  Helen asks if there is anything else he lied about.  Howard claims NO and asks her and the rest of the house to let her be the man he can be.

Elissa is not comfortable with putting Howard up so she asks to speak to Helen alone.  Helen tells her the HoH is Elissa’s as much as hers.  Elissa cannot make her mind up.  Elissa wants to put Spencer up on the block.  Helen tells Elissa if she does that she has to tell Amanda and McCrae.  They call the two of them to come to the room.  Elissa tells them he does not want to put Howard up.  Amanda tries to convince her, but Elissa thinks they have an agenda and she is not going for it.  Amanda continues to try to convince Elissa.

Elissa tells them she is not comfortable with it and they cannot ask her to do it.  They really are pressuring her and she feels it.

Helen calls the houseguests to the room.  They have to find out who the MVP has nominated for eviction.  Helen announces that the MVP nominated Spencer.  Spencer is not surprised.  Elissa nominated him because she did not like how she was being pressured.

Helen calls the nominated players up for the Veto competition.  Helen pulls 2 other players who are competing, GinaMarie and Candice.  Jeremy is freaked out, he knows he is big trouble because he is going to be backdoored.  Helen chooses Judd as the host of the Veto competition.

Helen tells Spencer he has to win to put Jeremy up, she tells the same thing to Candice.  Jeremy knows he is getting backdoored.  Kaitlin takes GinaMarie aside and tells her that they are planning to back door Jeremy.  Kaitlin tells GinaMarie that she should not use the veto.  Kaitlin does not want Jeremy to be back doored.

Veto competition – they are playing one at a time and each one has to wait for BB to call them to the back yard.  Each contestant has to look at a wall with art on it and then set up their own wall.  Once they match their wall to the one in the back yard they win.

Candice finished in 8:46, Gina Marie in 8:56, Spencer in 12:19, Aaryn did 9:50, Kaitlin in 7:09 and Helen in 8:55.  Kaitlin wins the PoV.  Kaitlin has a huge decision to make, she has no clue what she is going to do.  Helen is frustrated that Kaitlin won, she is the one person she did not want to win.

Jeremy decides he is going to turn on the charm to get Kaitlin to do what he wants to do.  Kaitlin decides that she is going to convince Helen to put Howard up.  Meanwhile Jeremy is all lovey dovey with Kaitlin.

Kaitlin comes in to see Helen.  Helen tells her she has a huge decision and she is not going to lie she is going to put Jeremy up.  Kaitlin tells Helen that Howard is super dishonest.  Helen tells Kaitlin that if she puts Howard up the rest of the house would come after her.  Helen tells her she cannot do it.

Kaitlin realizes there is no possible way to save Jeremy.  Kaitlin goes to Jeremy and tells him there is no possible way to save him.

Veto Meeting – Kaitlin decides to use the Veto on herself.  Helen back doors Jeremy and puts him in as the replacement nominee.

Jeremy is not surprised and comments he laughs in the face of danger.

Who will be evicted from the BB house Jeremy, Aaryn or Spencer.  Tune in to CDL Thursday to find out!

Annemarie LeBlanc:
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