Big Brother 2013 RECAP 7/24/13: Season 15 Episode 12 “PoV Competition”

Tonight on CBS BIG BROTHER returns for the twelve episode of their 15th season. On tonight’s episode we see what happens in the third PoV competition of the season. Did you watch the last episode where the elimination nominations we announced? We did and we recapped it right here for you!

On last episode we found out which houseguests Judd will put up for eviction.  Althought Judd went back and forth about who he wanted and Amanda tried to bully him into putting Howard up at the nomination ceremony he chose Kaitlin & Aaryn.  In my opinion Amanda pushed too hard. Judd explained to the nominees that Kaitlin was not his target Aaryn was.

On tonight’s show we get to see the next Veto competition but before that we find out who America nominated as the third houseguest to go up on the block.  Remember, this week rather than choose a MVP houseguest, America is the MVP and they are suppose to vote the third eviction nominee.  We already know who America puts up and believe me it is a shocker.  I suspect after 3 weeks of voting for a MVP America was confused and did not realize they were voting for an eviction nominee,  not a MVP.  Once the third person up for eviction is announced it will be the Power of Veto competition.

Big Brother 2013 airs tonight at 8 PM EST with its eleventh episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you?  Who do you think America is going to put up for eviction?  While you wait for the recap, let us know what you think of this season of Big Brother, so far?

Here is your Recap!

Aaryn and Kaitlin are on this block this week. They were nominated because HOH saw them as the easiest targets. Judd later reassures her that she’s just a pawn but there isn’t a plan. He’s lying to her as a backup plan if she’s still here another week.
Meanwhile his partner in crime really does want to backdoor eliminate someone. She wants to get rid of Howard.

Elissa isn’t MVP this week. America is the secret MVP but no one knows that. As for right now Elissa is worried about being discarded because she doesn’t have MVP anymore. She’s right. Amanda no longer thinks she’s useful.

There’s a coup going down. The outsiders are banning together to create a secret alliance. Spencer, Howard, Judd, Kaitlin, and Ginamarie are coming together. Judd who had been listening to Amanda for the most part no longer wants to get rid of Howard. Which was basically her entire plan this week. So what does this mean for Amanda?

The secret MVP’s third nomination is announced. America chose Elissa. Everyone is surprised. Most of them had assumed Elissa was the MVP. Elissa believes one of the girls had set her up and takes her frustration out on Ginamarie before telling Candice that maybe she should simply go home. Candice is able to talk her out of it.

Still the rest of the house has had a change of heart. Most of them believe Elissa really was the MVP but nominated herself to throw off suspicion.

The veto completion has arrived. It’s a combination of Election Day and mud bath. What they have to do is search for ballots in mud. Elissa won the veto but had to sacrificed playing in next week’s veto.

What started out as a fun way to celebrate McCrae’s birthday turn into a battle between Elissa and Amanda. Eliss is still suspecting someone of nominating her and she decides to take it on Amanda for wearing a one-piece bathing suit. Amanda gets upset and goes off to cry with McCrae following to comfort her. After what Elissa did he tells Amanda Elissa is digging her own grave.

The veto meeting starts. Elissa gave herself veto and the MVP nominated Ginamarie as their second choice. Who will be going home?

Kristine Francis:
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