Big Brother 2013 RECAP 7/3/13: Season 15 Episode 4 “Live Eviction”

Tonight on CBS BIG BROTHER returns for the forth episode of their 15th season. On tonight’s episode we see what happens in the very first “Eviction Show” of the season and who will be going home. Did you watch the last episode where the first BBMVP was announced? We did and we recapped it right here for you!

On last episode we saw the PoV competition where McCrae won.  McCrae used the Veto on Candice, she was off the block and he put up her replacement, Elissa and told her straight out that he thought she should go home.  Elissa was the first BBMVP she got to choose a third house guest to put up for eviction and behind closed door.  Elissa made her first dumb move in the game, she told McCrae that she was the first BBMVP, in fact, she let him choose who he wanted to put up. McCrae wanted to put up David because he is a strong competitor and Elissa did it.

On tonight’s show we will see the live eviction show and either David, Elissa, or Jessie will be saying goodbye to the big brother house.  Once the live eviction is over the HoH competition will take place.

Meanwhile in other Big Brother news a former houseguest on the show in 2011, Rachel Reilly spilled her guts to reporters that the Big Brother habitat is a cesspool of racist and homophobic lies.  To check out what Rachel had to say [POST HERE]

Big Brother 2013 airs tonight at 8pm with its second episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you?  Are you excited about the new season.

RECAP: Elissa is upset that McCrae betrayed her and if she stays in the house, you know she is coming after him. Elissa finally reveals to the house guests that she is fact Rachel Reilly’s sister. Jeremy is delusional, this guy really thinks he is hot stuff, gross. Kaitlin seems to agree with Jeremy, she is all over him. Elissa thinks it is unbearable being a Have Not, so does Judd. Aaryn is stir crazy and just wants a drink, she takes one before the midnight deadline and it is the last bottle of wine. Amanda and Helen are pissed that the wine is gone, while Aaryn is sick of their complaining and says they need a smack down. Jeremy heads into the kitchen and tells them that he drank the wine and doesn’t give a f*ck who cares. Aaryn walks out with Jeremy and Elissa notices, she mentions it to the house and they realize that Elissa was in on it.

Amanda heads outside to confront to Jeremy and he sticks to protecting Aaryn and saying that he drank the wine. Nobody wants to be the first house guest sent packing, but tonight someone is going home.

It’s night time, Amanda checks into McCrae’s bed and makes out with him, say what? Meanwhile, Aaryn is working hard on the men to ensure that Elissa is the one to go home.

Julie chats with the house, Andy tells her the vibe in the house is weird. Judd gives Julie an honest report, the Have Not is a pretty shady airport and he doubts anyone would want to go back there. Jessie, Elissa and David’s moment of truth is just around the corner. Jessie is first to plea for her life in the house, she thanks everyone and says she hopes she stays around. Elissa says that she is a target and it would be smart to keep her around. David says that he is a stand up guy and they should keep him because he looks good in a dress.

Amanda is up first to vote, David. Aaryn votes for Elissa. Nick votes for David. Candace got herself taken off the block, she votes for Elissa. Spencer is a strong member of the “moving company” and he votes for David. Kaitlin is focusing on a showmance, she votes for Elissa. Helen votes for David. Howard votes for David. Ginamarie is lying low with her strategy, she votes for Elissa. Judd votes for David. Jeremy personally wants Elissa gone, but promised the “moving company” that he would take out David, he votes for Elissa (snake). Andy appreciated Elissa’s honesty, will he keep her safe? Yes, he votes for David.

Jessie got zero votes, she is safe. With seven votes, David is the first house guest to be evicted from Big Brother. We keep getting these moments where the sound is muted, it must be pretty bad if the executives don’t want us to hear what is going on.

David is sitting with Julie, he says that he didn’t think he would be voted out but a lot of people started treating him differently. David tells Julie he went into the house for a showmance, not for the money. David is hoping Aaryn didn’t vote to evict him and will still want to have something to do with him after the show. Julie brings up the fact that David was the first contestant ever int he Big Brother house to not spell a word in a competition.

Time for the Veto Competition and in celebration of the 4th of July they are throwing a Big Brother BBQ. The first member of the teams have to fill their cups with BBQ sauce, then head down a lane, pour it into their partner’s cup who will then bring it down the rest of the lane and pour it in a big jug. The muting is getting on my nerves, what kind of things are these house guests saying that the executives have to keep muting the show on us? So frustrated.

House guests have been randomly paired up, whichever team wins must decide who is going to be the new HoH. In usual Big Brother fashion, we are not going to find out who won the HoH tonight, sorry…have to wait until the next show airs.

Dorothy Gale:
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