Big Brother 2013 RECAP 8/7/13: Season 15 Episode 18 “PoV Competition”

Tonight on CBS BIG BROTHER returns for the eighteenth episode of their 15th season. On tonight’s episode we see what happens in the fifth PoV competition of the season. Did you watch the last episode where the elimination nominations we announced? We did and we recapped it right here for you!

On last episode we we got to see the end of the HoH competition and found out GinaMarie was crowned as the next HoH. We will also got to see who was put up on the block Jesse and Candie.  Ginamarie called Candice a tattle tale and Jessie a flip flopper while Amanda, Judd and Elissa suppress laughs, they were so disrespectful.  One again BB manipulated a lot they let us see – they left out  lot of the live feed stuff.  If you want to know what really happened between Amanda and Jesse check out our post and the video [CLICK HERE]

On tonight’s episode we are going to find out who the MVP puts up on the blog, the PoV nomination ceremony and the PoV competition.  Many of the houseguests try to get voted as MVP, little do they know America is MVP again tonight.  On tonight’s show Aaryn and GinaMarie against Amanda have a racists Battle Royale, I am not sure if they will edit it out but if you want to see it check out our spoiler and video [CLICK HERE]

Big Brother 2013 airs tonight at 9 PM EST with its eleventh episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you?  Who do you think America is going to put up for eviction?  While you wait for the recap, let us know what you think of this season of Big Brother, so far?

RECAP: Ginamarie tells Jessie to stay cool and Candice will go home, in return Jessie will have Ginamarie’s back. Ginamarie then calls Candice up to the HOH room and tells her she doesn’t like to rat people out, it is not her story, but she doesn’t like rumours going around the house. Amanda is so jealous if McCrae is even in the same room as Jessie, has Amanda got trouble holding on to her man? Amanda heads to bed, McCrae joins her and says that he can’t leave the room every time he is near Jessie. McCrae thinks Jessie is being immature and doesn’t like that she wants him on a leash.

Amanda is in the shower, McCrae is sitting down outside the shower and he is thinking that he would do anything to get out of his relationship with Amanda because he doesn’t like how possessive she is being. Although, McCrae knows that he has to tread water lightly and not get on her bad side.

Time to find out who the MVP nominated for eviction, it is Amanda. McCrae is not surprised, he thinks Amanda has been acting like a fool and deserves what she gets.

Ginamarie pulls out Spencer’s name to compete in the Veto competition, she also pulls Judd. Amanda thinks the real MVP is Judd. Amanda doesn’t understand why she was nominated, Ginamarie reassures her not to worry because Candice is the target. Aaryn thinks Amanda is selfish and deserves to go home. Amanda keeps asking everyone if they win the POV to use it on her and it is making her allies very nervous. McCrae is worried because people in the house are like “I want to strike Amanda down”. McCrae  says that Amanda thinks everyone owes her something when they her nothing. Amanda calls McCrae a dictator, he looks like he has have just about enough of her.

It’s time for the Veto competition and it is a frog competition. House guests have to sling their frogs into buckets to win prizes. Jessie is first, Ginamarie gets the lowest score and gets to pick a prize before she leaves – she chooses a bucket that has the Veto in it. Amanda is out, she gets to claim a price, “cone of shame”, but she trades it for the Veto. Candice starts talking to Judd during the competition and Amanda turns around and tells her to shut her big fat mouth. Elissa thinks Amanda took it too far when she starts making derogatory comments to Candice. Candice is out, she wins a Bahamas vacation and trades it for the Veto that Amanda has. McCrae says that Amanda is painting a huge target in the house and wishes she would just shut her big mouth. Spencer is out, he gets to choose a prize “50 shades of orange” and trades it for Amanda’s Bahamas vacation. Judd wins the competition, Amanda and Candice are still fighting; Helen is so dumb, she thinks Candice is at fault. Jessie has the lowest score, she picks a prize “$5,000” which she trades for the Veto. Judd wins a “clownitard”, he trades it for the $5,000.00 and Amanda is pissed that he left the Veto with Jessie. Meanwhile, Candice is really hoping that Amanda’s nasty behaviour came true and the rest of the house guests see her for what she is, a b*tch.

McCrae is alone with Amanda and tells her that she is so stupid because she made a spectacle of herself and came across as a bully, he goes on further to tell her that she looked like an ass and a bully – he doesn’t know what she is trying to prove.

Candice knows this is an opportunity to save her game, so she decides to lay low. Candice is called to the diary room to pick up her clownitard. The second punishment is the “50 shades of orange” where Amanda is going to have to get spray tanned over and over again. The third is the “cone of shame” and Ginamarie has to wear it for 48 hours.

Helen approaches Ginamarie to talk game who says maybe she should put up Elissa because she has been talking too much to Candice. Helen does not want Elissa up, she has to sway Ginamarie to concentrating on getting rid of Candice.

Jessie is going to use the Veto on herself and she is so hoping that someone makes a bold move and puts McCrae up against Amanda. Meanwhile, Candice is hoping everyone realizes that Amanda is a bigger threat than she is.

Time for the Veto meeting, Jessie uses the Veto on herself. Ginamarie now has to name a replacement nominee, she names Spencer and as long as he plays it straight, he should be ok. Candice swears that it is going to be like world war three in the Big Brother house this week.

Dorothy Gale:
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