Big Brother 2013 RECAP 9/11/13: Season 15 Episode 33 “Surprise Eviction”

Big Brother 2013 RECAP 9/11/13: Season 15 Episode 33 “Surprise Eviction”

Tonight on CBS BIG BROTHER returns with the 33rd episode of the 15th season and WOWSER, it is going to be an exciting evening.  Tonight we are suppose to be having our PoV competition where GinaMarie and Judd fight it out, but unbeknownst to the houseguests BB is going to fast forward and we are going to also have a surprise eviction too.

On last week’s show Amanda was sent to the jury house much to her shock, she was truly blindsided.  Immediately after her departure the HoH competition was run and Spencer won and he was HoH for the week.  Spencer first duty as HoH was to nominate two players for eviction, he nominated McCrae and GinaMarie.

On tonight’s show we get to see who wins the PoV competition and we will find out if the PoV winner uses the PoV on themselves.  Then Spencer will have to put a replacement person on the block.  Immediately following we will have a surprise eviction and we will find out who our final four in the competition are.  Then BB will cram in another HoH competition and another nomination ceremony – it is going to be a crazy evening.  If you don’t want to wait and want to find out what happens,  we spoiled the episode for you and you can find out all the answers.  [CLICK HERE]

Big Brother 2013 airs tonight at 8 PM EST with its eleventh episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you? While you wait for the recap, let us know what you think of this season of Big Brother, so far?]

Due to technical difficulties and accounting for a terrible thunder storm that rendered our TV incapable for BB watching, please return here to get the live recap during the show’s WEST COAST AIR TIME (PST). In the meantime, however, we can report that the following person was evicted: JUDD. The new HOH is ANDY. To see how all these things came to be, come back here for the recap later.



Julie welcomes everyone to the show — and says tonight will be a special eviction episode. There’s a recap of what happened during past episodes. McCrae and GM are on the block, and McCrae’s going to fight hard to win (but I think you probably already know who’s going to score that puppy).

Julie does her brief little recap and does her epic, strike-a-pose-then-walk dash across the stage to get to her next camera. Sometimes I wonder how Julie Chen makes Big Brother so epic.

McCrae’s in the diary room and whines about how alone he is in the game now that Amanda’s left — and he vows to win the veto competition (which he does).

GM, still bound to McCrae by the friendship bracelet, puts on an act with some tears. She wants MC to thing that there’s a possibility that she could go home. Meanwhile, in the HOH room, Spencer reveals that he’ll be putting up Judd if he has to make a replacement nominee (and then they’ll, or so they say, be sending home GM).

McCrae and GM are released from the Gift of Friendship. MC heads up to the HOH room to chat with Spencer and Andy. Spencer makes MC think that he’s not the target — because they don’t want him to win veto. But MC is not dumb, and he realizes the only way he’ll be safe is if he scores that Veto. He doesn’t trust anyone. And rightly so.

The Veto Competition is next, and all of them are dressed like superheros. It is a puzzle game. They fly back and forth on harnesses, jumping from one ledge to another, in an attempt to finish the puzzle. Judd loses. Spencer, GM, MC, and Andy are left. Spencer gets mad that Judd is cheering for Andy and not him. McCrae wins the Veto. So he’ll be safe this week — which is NOT what everyone wanted. The Exterminators have not succeeded in their goal this week. Now, two exterminators will be up on the block. Spencer’s already said he’ll be putting up Judd alongside GM.

Spencer and GM have a convo in the HOH room. Spencer admits that he wants GM to stay — because he trusts her more and he didn’t appreciate the way Judd gave up so easily during the Veto competition. Of course, Spencer also tells Judd that he wants him to stay. Judd throws a fit and actually strips down to his boxers, and he proceeds to walk around the house like a crazy person (but still continues to have that very-low-key-Judd-attitude, so the whole experience is quite awkward).

At the Veto ceremony, MC of course uses the Veto on himself. Judd has something to say though: He basically threatens MC and says that the root of why he left was because of MC — and that he’ll solely be after him should he stay. His gameplan was to try and secure Andy and Spencer’s votes, but I think the plan sort of backfired on him.

It’s elimination time . . . .

ANDY votes to evict JUDD.

MCCRAE votes to evict JUDD.

So Judd’s leaving the house, and he will return to the Jury House (so Julie will not be able to reveal anything about the outside world). Judd reveals that he wants GM to win. He says that he thinks everyone’s underestimated her, and Julie says, “Wow.”

During the goodbye messages, Andy is bawling like a baby. And Judd laughs. When Julie asks him why he says, “I’ve never seen a guy cry so much,” and laughs.

The HOH competition is a before or after game. It eventually ends into a three way tie. ANDY WINS THE TIEBREAKER. ANDY’S THE NEW HOH.