Big Brother 2013 Preview 8/01/13: Season 15 Episode 16 Spoilers – WHO IS EVICTED!

Season 15 of Big Brother has been filled with drama like no other season making it must see TV. Tonight’s episode was all about who would win the ultimate Power of Veto. The third nominee is revealed and it is a battle to see who can save themselves. If you are like me and can’t wait to see what happens on Live Eviction night be sure to check out our sneak peek video and spoilers from tomorrow night’s episode.

Jesse gets emotional when giving Howard a pep talk. McCrae assures Spencer Howard is the target. McCrae even lies to Spencer that he wanted GinaMarie and Howard to go up on the block. Howard calls a meeting of the house to talk about the game verses how you are as a person. His talk is quite confusing and no one can follow him. Amanda is thrilled that Howard’s chat has not only confused the house but has made a number of houseguests think Howard is coming after them.

The MPV nomination is announced and it is Amanda, who is pissed and thinks Howard is the MVP. Immediately following the announcement players for the veto are picked. Howard, Spencer, Aaryn, Candice, Jesse and Amanda are the chosen ones. Helen is chosen as host. The MVP nomination sends the whole house into a frenzy trying to figure out who is actually the MVP. McCrae leads the charge that the MVP is Howard. Amanda confronts Howard about being MVP and his confusing speeches but she only gets more confused after their talk.

It is Veto time and the competition is “Back In Time”. The back yard is a Jurassic Park like area with dinosaurs. It is a puzzle contest. Each player must fine his or her colored puzzle pieces and build the Power of Veto sign. Candice, Jesse and Howard struggle with the puzzle. It is a fight to the finish between Amanda and Spencer but he ends up with the POV around his neck. Spencer takes himself off the block, obviously and Candice thanks to her, basically saying she would go after Helen if Helen didn’t save Howard, is the replacement nominee.

Spoiler alert: If you’re one of those people who doesn’t like spoilers, stop reading now! We have some juicy spoilers for you about the Eviction show tomorrow night.

Obviously since it is a live eviction show we don’t know exactly who is going home but from all the live feeds it certainly appears that either Candice or Howard will be walking out the door despite their best efforts to stay. The below spoilers are from the live feed that will most likely make the show on Thursday why because the houseguest brought it on Tuesday night.

There was huge drama in the Big Brother house on Tuesday as tension were running high. Judd has become a hot topic with Amanda and others worried he is trying to flip the house. His allegiance is questioned by all except Aaryn, who instead decides to snuggle with him in her bed in the HOH room.

Amanda’s paranoia about being evicted gets the best of her and she can’t stop fighting with people. From a lengthily heated argument with Spencer that involves serious name calling on both parts, to having it out with Aaryn about her racist comments, Amanda will not stop confronting people. It gets to the point that even McCrae becomes annoyed with her actions.

Candice finds out Spencer is campaigning to keep Howard and loses her mind. She calls a house meeting that has explosive consequences. Candice drags almost all the houseguests into it and of course Amanda is front and center. Needless to say the repercussions from that blowout will be lasting.

Howard whispers to Amanda that outside the house he wants to do her. This freaks her out and she wants to go to production about his inappropriate comment. His remark will be another topic that she will not shut up about.

After the disastrous house meeting Jesse, GinaMarie and Aaryn are thinking of flipping to vote out Candice. This means that up until the very last vote is cast you can expect to see what looks like a house divided between Candice and GinaMarie and you know what it is divided.

Other than the drama of who goes home tomorrow night’s show appears to be all about the fighting in the house, Judd flipping the house, Amanda being paranoid and started trouble, as well as the debate of who to vote out Candice or Howard.

The Live Eviction episode begins at 9 PM EST on CBS and will be covered live right here on CDL. What are you thinking of the current season of Big Brother and who do you think will walk out the door tomorrow night.

To see who was evicted CLICK HERE!

Rachelle Thomas:
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