Big Brother Season 15 Episode 5 Preview & Spoilers!

Last night’s episode of Big Brother was crazy, not sure if you had a chance to watch it but the executives were doing some crazy muting where we didn’t get to hear portions of the show. Was that because of all the house guests filthy mouths? Most probably, the cesspool is so bad that two of the housemates, GinaMarie Zimmerman and Aaryn Gries have already been fired from their jobs because of their racist and homophobic rants. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, you can read our full recap HERE.

In a surprise twist last night, David was evicted from the show; the “moving company” had control of the house, they wanted David out because he was a strong player and they got their way. Meanwhile, Rachel Reilly’s sister Elissa had a huge sigh of relief when she was saved and not evicted for being the sister of one of the most controversially players in Big Brother history.

When the show ended last night we got to see about a quarter way through the HOH competition and in usual Big Brother fashion, they are making us wait until the next episode to find out who got voted out.

Well, we don’t have to wait, because CDL has all the spoilers right down below…..

About half way through the HOH competition there were a lot of people half way through and even though it was a very close slippery race between Judd and Nick, Andy and Elissa, the two most annoying people in the house won the competition, Jeremy and Aaryn.

Julie said that it was up to the two people who won to choose who would be the new HOH and knowing how much of a bully Aaryn is, it is no surprise that she is officially the new HOH. Aaryn also got to choose the Have-Nots for the week, she choose Elissa, Helen, Andy and Candice. Elissa, Helen and Andy are Have-nots now for two weeks in a row.

Tensions are high and trouble is brewing in the Big Brother house, MVP is going to be extremely important this week, it will be interesting to see if Elissa gets it again.

Dorothy Gale:
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