This has got to be one of the most intense, cattiest, insane seasons of Big Brother in the history of the show. While we usually expect some hurtful words to be thrown around in the house, this season has proven that people will say just about anything when they think they can get away with it. But do they not realize what they signed up for? Big Brother sees everything. And everything Big Brother sees, well, America sees. CLICK HERE for recap of last night’s Power of Veto competition.
Tonight, one houseguest will be sent packing. The current three individuals on the chopping block are the following people: Aaryn, Jeremy, and Spencer. While it would make my heart happy to see Aaryn (Queen Bitchpants) leave the house for good, it seems as if the majority are now gunning for Jeremy — who many think is the biggest threat in the house. I think that would be the smartest move for the house to make, but that doesn’t change the fact that Aaryn is easily one of the most hated people in the house.
Basically, I think it’s fairly safe to say that Spencer’s safe this week. It will come down between Aaryn and Jeremy (who’s also extremely arrogant, rude, and gives people a bad vibe as well). Regardless of who goes home tonight, we can’t wait for the post-eviction interview with Julie Chen — especially if it’s Aaryn.
The Big Brother Network will be interviewing the evicted houseguest, so be sure to check back later when we provide those details for you. BBN also provided a poll, and readers seem to think that Jeremy will be sent packing for good.