Blake Lively Pregnant with Ryan Reynolds’ Baby?

Blake Lively Pregnant with Ryan Reynold's Baby? Blake Lively Pregnant with Ryan Reynold's Baby?

Many people are thinking that Blake Lively is pregnant with Ryan Reynolds‘ child; however, according to the actress’s reps, the rumors are one hundred percent false. But people love celebrity babies like nobody’s business, so if there’s a slim chance that Lively has a baby bump in the works, you know darn good and well people are going to start seeing some bump action.


Though, just because the reports have been denied, that doesn’t mean Blake and Ryan are against having children. In fact, they feel exactly the opposite. They’re excited to have children, they’re just not sure that right now’s the perfect moment to start a family.

“We’d love to have a big family,” they told US Weekly. “We both come from big families — my parents did four, Blake’s did five. A lot of people say it’s crazy, but we’ll only know when we’re there, you know? We’ll walk through that fire pretty happily, I think.”

“I’m terrified that I’m genetically predisposed to only having boys. That’s frightening,” he admitted. “By the time I was 10 years old, and I’m not exaggerating, I knew how to patch drywall. There’s nothing my brothers and I didn’t put a hole in. We turned our home into a Wiffle house. That’s something I’m not looking forward to.”

What about you? Do you think Lively has a baby bump in the works? I’m thinking no, and am going to go with the word of her reps, but that doesn’t mean people out there are going to believe them! The above picture is a fairly recent pic from earlier this month — check it out.

Image credit to Fameflynet

Nicholas Sanford:
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