Brooks Forester Dumped Desiree Hartsock Because She Kissed Other Men: Excuse or Insane?

Brooks Forester Dumped Desiree Hartsock After Watching Her Kiss Other Guys Made Him Sick

Fans of The Bachelorette were stunned when Brooks Forester decided at the eleventh hour to walk away from Desiree Hartsock but according to his ex-girlfriend, Erin Reese there was a lot more going on in his head than he admitted to. She and Brooks dated for nearly two years and were talking marriage until he caught her cheating on him. Supposedly Brooks was absolutely crushed by the indiscretion and according to the Aug. 19th print edition of National Enquirer fear caused him to pull back from Des.

Brooks knew going in exactly how this show unfolds but in the end he had a really hard time getting close to Des and then watching her kiss other guys. He felt like he wasn’t going to be able to trust her if they ended up together because it was already okay for her to flirt and canoodle with other guys in front of him.

Of course Erin believes that she broke Brooks’ heart so badly that he has yet to recover. Perhaps she feels better telling herself and everyone else that, but during the After the Final Rose show Brooks looked just fine to me. Des made it pretty clear at first that Brooks was the guy when he first walked away but then 7 days later she found herself engaged to Chris Sigfried.

Do you think that this couple has a snowball’s chance in hell of making it even six months? Even the couples that seem solid coming off of this show eventually seem to crumble. The deck is stacked against them. What happens when you convince yourself that your second choice is the man of your dreams? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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