Carrie Ann Inaba: Death Devastates Dancing With the Stars Judge

Carrie Ann Inaba: Death Devastates Dancing With the Stars JudgeCarrie Ann Inaba: Death Devastates Dancing With the Stars Judge

Usually when we tell you about a celeb being heartbroken it’s due to a messy split or a cheating scandal. In Dancing With the Stars Carrie Ann Inaba’s case it’s something totally different. A few days before the latest season’s television premiere Rodney Yoshimitsu Inaba, Carrie Ann’s father, lost his battle with tongue and throat cancer. In spite of her devastation the DWTS judge decided to be present at the judges’ table because her father would have wanted it that way.

Carrie Ann fought through tears to make it through the premiere and then according to the April 8th print edition of The National Enquirer, she boarded a plane for Hawaii to say her final goodbye. She is said to be contemplating performing a special tribute to her father on the show later this season. After the premiere Carrie Ann posted to her blog saying,

I’m filled with a tremendous sadness but also a relief, for he is in a better place now. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to make it through the show with all the emotions that have been overflowing. But I felt my father’s spirit was with me, supporting me and cheering me on.”

Did you tune in to the DWTS’ premiere? Could you tell that Carrie Ann was struggling just to get through the show and get her job done? As far as doing a tribute that seems to be a pretty common thing for dancers to do. Over at So You Think You Can Dance both Mia Michaels and Mary Murphy have done pieces as a tribute to their fathers.  Would you like to see Carrie Ann follow their lead and perform something meaningful to her? As it stands now she’s dedicating this whole season of the show to his memory.

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Cate Meighan:
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