Catherine Zeta-Jones Kicked Michael Douglas Out After He Blamed Her For Throat Cancer

It seems like almost daily we learn something new about the split between Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones. We have already told you that the couple has been rocky for over a year now and that they are rarely in the same place at the same time. We’re now learning that at the root of some of their problems is Catherine’s feeling totally unappreciated.

According to the Sept. 16th print edition of Star magazine, the actress thought nothing of giving up everything in order to nurse Michael back to health as he battled stage 4 throat cancer. Her life revolved around him and their children and once he got better he immediately returned to work, leaving Catherine to feel unloved and unappreciated. At that point she needed Michael to take care of her a bit while she got herself mentally healthy and instead she felt abandoned.

That’s when the epic fights and battles really began. When Michael spilled the beans about how he got his cancer Catherine felt like he disrespected her and their whole family and has barely spoken to him since then. That’s why her rep was the one to confirm the split 

in spite of Michael’s backpedaling. Catherine was the one that kicked him out and she is the one demanding time apart.

Can you blame her for feeling so unimportant after taking care of Michael when he could have died? I have to think that she expected them to spend some quality time together when he got healthy, not for him to jump on a film project! Do you think that these two will quit the fighting and somehow put the marriage back together? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Cate Meighan:
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