Catherine Zeta-Jones Regrets Separation From Michael Douglas: Realizes Her Mistake and Faces Another Mental Breakdown

Catherine Zeta-Jones Regrets Separation From Michael Douglas: Realizes Her Mistake and Faces Another Mental BreakdownCatherine Zeta-Jones Regrets Separation From Michael Douglas: Realizes Her Mistake and Faces Another Mental Breakdown

Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas had been one of those Hollywood couples that always seemed to present a united front and fans really bought it. I think that’s why word of their split seems to have rocked Hollywood. Apparently trouble has been brewing for years ever since Michael recovered from his cancer and almost immediately returned to work, leaving his doting wife in the dust. Catherine felt unappreciated and the fights between the volatile couple were said to be pretty epic.

After one fight awhile back Catherine threw Michael out of their home which was a crushing blow for the actor. It may have actually been a gift though, because time away has allowed Michael to gain some perspective on his toxic marriage. According to the Sept. 23rd print edition of Star magazine Michael now realize that he was almost a prisoner of Catherine’s moods and sanity. Time away has made him feel a whole lot better about himself and he is in no rush to go back to his wife.

As he appears to be thriving Catherine has realized that she made a huge mistake. She keeps calling and texting Michael but now that he has some control he’s running with it. Her calls and texts go unanswered and friends fear that another breakdown is near. While Michael is traveling and photographed looking happy a shrinking, gaunt Catherine spends her days upset and smoking.

Do you think Michael will eventually gravitate back towards his wife or is this marriage done? If Michael really felt like a prisoner would he ever return to that situation? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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