Charlie Sheen’s Sex Tape Revealed As Evidence in Nicolas Cage’s Baby Mama’s Burglarly Case

Charlie Sheen's Sex Tape Revealed As Evidence in Nicolas Cage's Baby Mama's Burglarly CaseCharlie Sheen's Sex Tape Revealed As Evidence in Nicolas Cage's Baby Mama's Burglarly Case
Half the time when someone mentions sex tape it doesn’t warrant an interesting response. I mean come on. How many times will stars have their sex tapes “leaked” to the media. It’s a bit passe by now. However what makes Charlie Sheen’s dilemma catch everyone’s attention is how exactly did his video get in the hands of Nicolas Cage’s baby mama and why is she using as evidence in a burglary case.  It sounds weird and yet when you hear the full story it becomes somewhat understandable.

Here’s what happened – Christina Fulton, otherwise known as Nicolas Cage’s ex, had her home burglarized. The only thing that was reportedly missing thought was all four of her computers. Take that in with the fact her former handyman, Ricardo Orozco (who obviously knew of the sex tape), was reported going to Charlie Sheen’s lawyers for a shakedown not too long afterwards and you have a culprit. Christina believes her home was specifically targeted just for that tape and because she has proof of it’s existence as in possessing an extra copy which can help make D.A.’s case. But at the expense of Charlie Sheen. Although his people must have helped by informing her or the police of who had her computers; his tape will still have to be viewed. 

Two other men have escaped getting charged with Orozco and the LAPD need any evidence they can go or the handy man could ended up walking as well. So poor Charlie tried to be nice and ended up getting screwed in the process. His personal life hasn’t been looking so great lately but the judge in his custodial case has managed to late him skate so far. Now throw in a sex tape and facing extortion from a thief! These things don’t happen to the man that wants to regain custody. They don’t happen to ever other weekend zoo dad.

Sorry, Charlie!

Kristine Francis:
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