Cory Monteith’s Death: Joe Monteith Opens Up About Son In Shocking Interview

Does it strike anyone else as odd that Cory Monteith’s father, Joe Monteith, has been discussing his son’s death in interviews while Cory’s mom, the rest of his family, and Lea Michele are keeping away from the press?

Considering that Cory and Joe were estranged for most of their life, my cynical self is telling me that Joe is talking to the tabloids because of attention reasons. But then my other self tells me to stop being such a cynical bitch, and that Joe probably needs someone to talk to since the rest of the family seems to be ignoring him.

Joe was reportedly left out of the private memorial with the viewing and cremation of the body, and sources say that he hasn’t really spoken to Cory’s mom or brothers since the death. However, Joe is now speaking in his first on-camera interview since Cory’s death to ET Canada.

He says, “When they did break the news, my wife almost fell over. As a matter of fact, I had to grab her. I never saw anything coming like this. Total, total shock. It really didn’t sink in. It really hasn’t sunk in.” He says that although he and Cory were estranged, they were slowly starting to regain touch and he was under the impression that Cory was recovered.

Joe was clearly very visibly upset during the interview, breaking into tears and having trouble getting out the words. No matter what his relationship with his son was, he was clearly devastated by the tragedy and he deserves to grieve in whatever way he sees fit. If that includes giving more interviews, then so be it.

What do you guys think of Joe Monteith’s interview? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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