Cory Monteith Cause of Death Related to Growing Fentanyl Drug Craze?

Cory Monteith Cause of Death Related to Growing Fentanyl Drug Craze?Cory Monteith Cause of Death Related to Growing Fentanyl Drug Craze?

The death of Cory Monteith, Glee actor/singer, came as a surprise to everyone — and our thoughts go out to those close to him who’ll have to deal with this tough time. While no official reports delineating the exact cause of death have been released yet, many people are speculating that he overdosed, as he had a history of both drug and alcohol addiction. At one time, he attended rehab, in attempts to get clean, and had girlfriend Lea Michele in his strong support system. 

With autopsy reports expected sometime this week, people are scrambling to shed light on the reasons behind his unexpected death. Cory was in Vancouver at the time of his death — a place that has recently experienced a spike in Fentanyl-based drugs that have already caused approximately 23 deaths this year.  If Cory did fall off the sobriety wagon, Vancouver definitely could’ve proven a dangerous place to do so.

Dr. Perry Kendall has the following information: “You never know what’s in a street drug within very large margins. Some of it is cut with fentanyl, some of it is actually fentanyl. People who are used to taking heroin at a certain strength, if they took an equivalent amount of fentanyl, it’s an overdose.”

Dr. Kendall says that Fentanyl can look exactly like cocaine and can pose a great risk — because people don’t know what they’re taking. Stick with us as we keep you updated on what exactly happened to Cory Monteith.

Image credit to Fameflynet

Nicholas Sanford:
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