Desiree Hartsock and Chris Siegfried Marriage Cancelled – Wedding Off as Fiance Struggles With “Second Choice” Stigma

It has only been two weeks since Desiree Hartsock shocked everyone by informing us that she accepted Chris Siegfried’s marriage proposal and already it’s perfectly clear that these two aren’t on the same page. Des’ own brother, Nate Hartsock has gone on the record to say that his sister has settled and that’s not something you say to the media unless you’re trying to prevent a serious disaster.

According to the Aug. 26th print edition of In Touch Chris and Des were spotted at an LA eatery and the mood wasn’t what you’d expect from a happy and newly engaged couple. Instead they were deep in serious conversation and all emotional connection was checked at the door.

Here’s the thing, if Chris was her distant second choice after Brooks Forester while in weeks of paradise settings and meticulously planned dates, how bad of a match is he in real everyday life? If he wasn’t her first choice to snorkel with than how excited is she now to run to a Redbox and rent a movie with him? It sucks to be stuck with the wrong person and perhaps Des talked herself into the idea of Chris before but now that she’s home the cracks are going to be a whole lot more obvious. If they aren’t lovey dovey in public now then that connection is never going to be there.

Chris Harrison has said that they were all shocked that there was a proposal, were you? If the behind-the-scenes filming crew didn’t think it was going to happen then what are the chances of it lasting? I’d say slim to none. Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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