Dexter Season 8 Spoiler Preview – Episode 1 “A Beautiful Day” – How Does It All End? (VIDEO)

Dexter Season 8 Spoiler Preview - Episode 1 "A Beautiful Day" - How Does It All End? (VIDEO)Dexter Season 8 Spoiler Preview - Episode 1 "A Beautiful Day" - How Does It All End? (VIDEO)

Tomorrow the final countdown to the end of all things Dexter begins. For some unknown reasons Showtime has been pulling the plug on all the great shows that make it so popular. First it was The Borgias which never got the opportunity to official say goodbye and now its our lovable serial killer Dexter Morgan.

This Sunday, June 30, will be the premier of its last season. They luckily had time to prepare and wow the audience in a final salute. So what can we expect from this award winning program? How about  the fact they’re skipping in the timeline. Where we last left them, Debra had just killed LaGuerta. Skipping 6 months ahead means not only did Deb not turn herself in but that she’s most likely burying her conscience. Rumor has it she’ll be burying it lines of cocaine and other major forms of narcotics.

Dexter Season 8 Spoiler Preview - Episode 1 "A Beautiful Day" - How Does It All End? (VIDEO)Dexter Season 8 Spoiler Preview - Episode 1 "A Beautiful Day" - How Does It All End? (VIDEO)

It also opens up a whole new set of possibilities. With Deb out of commission, who will Dexter turn to in his desperate need for companionship? Dexter, as seen before, tends to befriend other serial killers. He especially loves the ones that are smart and too murderous to handle. The only way to properly end the show is to give him someone that made the Trinity Killer seem tame.

We all know someone has to die. Maybe the new serial killer will be the one to do it or possibly Dexter himself? Either way Dexter has to come to an end and don’t I see him settling for prison. Do you?

Kristine Francis:
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