Farrah Abraham Sex Tape: Ridiculous Teen Mom Gets Down and Dirty (VIDEO)

I guess Farrah Abraham got tired of all the other bad girls from MTV’s Teen Mom getting all of the press and so she decided to up the ante just a little bit.  Forget drugs and hardcore partying- although Farrah was recently busted for a DUI – it seems that making XXX throw down videos might be her new claim to fame. TMZ first reported that the reality TV star has a thirty minute video being shopped to various companies and it features lots of straight sex with a presumed ex, in a multitude of positions. Steve Hirsch of Vivid Entertainment, a top porn peddler claims to have seen the footage and that Farrah is indeed on full display.

At first Farrah acted clueless about the video but the more girlfriend talks, the clearer it is that she knows exactly what the media is asking about.  She has gone from confused denials to back pedaling and saying that if she had something personal, then it should remain personal. Of course then came the legal threats.

My question, doesn’t this girl know better? The press enjoys having a field day at the expense of her and her stupidity. Would she really believe that a video would remain private? Or did she make it with the hopes of it falling into the right hands for mass production? That’s how Kim Kardashian found her path to fame, isn’t it? Is Farrah trying to follow in her footsteps in order to extend the fifteen minutes of fame that MTV bought her?  Is that ultimately more important to her than being a good mother and settling in to a stable life without a camera being shoved in her face? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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