Fifty Shades Of Grey Movie Cast Chosen To Beat Twilight At The Box Office? (PHOTOS)

Considering that Fifty Shades of Grey first started as Twilight fan fiction, it will be an interesting turn of events if the film manages to beat Twilight at the box office. But with the way things are proceeding, there’s actually a high possibility of that happening.

The Twilight phenomenon has been well documented. Although the first novel, by then unknown writer Stephenie Meyer, was turned down by several publishers and agents, it was eventually picked up as a series. The books slowly gained popularity, and although the film rights changed a couple of times, Summit was smart enough to promise Meyer that they would stick to the source material. By the time casting for Twilight was announced and the film was in pre-production, the fan mania had kicked in and Twi-hards were born.

However, the craziness surrounding Fifty Shades of Grey existed well before the film rights were even sold. By the time Universal picked up the rights to the series in a bidding war, fans were already going crazy about the books and there were [and still are] endless discussions about possible cast members and directors. Right now, the film hasn’t even gone into pre-production but the consumer awareness remains much higher than it was for the first Twilight at the same point in its cycle.

Of course, one could argue that the quality of the film would determine the final box office tally. I would agree except for the fact that book-turned-film franchises like Twilight, Hunger Games, and Harry Potter largely remain critic-proof. Whether the movie is good or bad doesn’t matter to the box office, as the Twilight films showed us. If Fifty Shades of Grey manages to be a critically acclaimed movie, then all the more power to it – but at this rate, it’s looking like it’ll be a success no matter what.

Do you agree? And since casting is underway, who would make your ideal Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele? Let us know in the comments.

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