Fifty Shades Of Grey Movie Cast Finalized? – Filming Starts This Fall!

Fifty Shades Of Grey Movie Cast Finalized? - Filming Starts This FallFifty Shades Of Grey Movie Cast Finalized? - Filming Starts This Fall

Fifty Shades Of Grey’s release date has finally been confirmed as August 1st, 2014. That’s good news for fans who were hoping that it would release next summer, but it’s bad news for fans who thought that we would be getting the movie earlier than that.

Honestly, Universal has been very careful with this adaptation. They took their time getting the script perfect, with screenwriter Kelly Marcel turning in multiple drafts before the script was finally locked. Then, they looked at every major director what would be willing to direct the film, including Gus Van Sant. But they decided to go with a more edgy, female director that’s earned rave reviews for her work. Sam Taylor-Johnson was not the obvious choice to direct Fifty Shades of Grey, but Universal hasn’t been making obvious choices with this movie. The most obvious choice would have been to cast some low rent actors in the lead roles and then put out the film as soon as possible to capitalize on the craze. Instead, they’re taking their time and making sure all the chips are in place. Crazily enough, it’s almost like they’re trying to make a good movie. Um, have they read the source material?

I guess, never say never. With the pedigree of the filmmakers involved, I wouldn’t be surprised if this film actually ended up being good. Either way, with the script and director locked, the only thing that remains is casting and schedule. The studio and filmmakers are looking at actors right now, as we reported the other day, they’re starting to narrow down their top choices. There’s still a chance that they could go with name actors, although sources claim that they are very likely to go with unknowns. Either way, we’ll find out within the next two months.

Then, filming is reportedly set to begin this fall. This is not a big-budget movie by traditional blockbuster standards. It doesn’t even need the kind of budget that Twilight did, because there are no vampires and no werewolves to CGI into the movie. This is a love story, plain and simple. Without budgetary constraints, they’ll be able to film and go into post-production fairly quickly, and the movie probably won’t need a ton of post-production work.

Get prepared guys, it’s not long now.

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