Fifty Shades Of Grey Movie Cast: Twilight Author Stephenie Meyer Chooses For E.L. James?

Fifty Shades Of Grey Movie Cast: Twilight Author Stephenie Meyer Chooses For E.L. James?

Well, look at the pot calling the kettle black. To be fair, Stephenie Meyer was there first, and E.L. James did blatantly start Fifty Shades of Grey as Twilight fan fiction. I guess she has a right to be angry.

Anyway, for those who haven’t followed the story, Twilight author Stephenie Meyer has never been a fan of Fifty Shades of Grey, previously stating that it was ‘too smutty’ and that ‘erotica’ was something she never read.

Meyer was out at dinner with some friends last night when she was asked by the paparazzi if she had any casting advice for E.L. James regarding Fifty Shades of Grey, you know – author to author. However, Meyer’s response was priceless. She makes a face and then adds, “No, I haven’t read it.”

Surprising, considering the cast has. Robert Pattinson stated in an interview with MTV earlier this year that not only had he read it, but he had read it when it was still called ‘Masters of the Universe’, otherwise known as one of the most popular pieces of Twilight fan fiction on the web. Anyway, I can see why Meyer wouldn’t have read it, considering she didn’t even write down the details of her own characters having sex in Breaking Dawn.

Even then, isn’t it kind of against author protocol to diss another writer’s work? I mean, sure, all she said was that she hadn’t read Fifty Shades of Grey, but the face and tone that accompanied her words were telling enough.

What do you guys think of Meyer’s comments, and do you think she should have been so blatant in her dislike of the novels? It’s not like her books were some critically acclaimed pieces of literature, so she can’t really diss Fifty Shades for the quality. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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