George Zimmerman, the shooter of Trayvon Martin and the subject of the highly controversial case that had everyone talking, has reportedly been tossed a stack of divorce papers from his wife, Shellie Zimmerman. While a local ABC new affiliate says that Shellie has filed, TMZ reports that they’ve checked with local courts surrounding Zimmerman’s area of residence near Sanford, FL and nothing has officially been filed yet . . . but perhaps they’re coming soon.
The trial obviously put a lot of strain on their marriage and Shellie was noted with saying that she’s been thinking about divorcing George, especially now that the trial’s over. But she also seems to have said that they’d been having long withstanding problems, ones that began even before the shooting.
TMZ reports: “26-year-old Shellie also said she purjured herself for George — lying to a judge about how much money they had — and was pissed he wasn’t by her side when she stood trial.”
Should more info arise, we’ll be sure to clue you in on the details.