Hart Of Dixie RECAP 11/25/13: Season 3 Episode 8 “Miracles”

Tonight on the CW HART OF DIXIE returns a whole new season and a new episode called, “Miracles”  on tonight’s season 3 episode 8, ade (Wilson Bethel) has a horrible toothache but refuses to go to the dentist, until Tansy (guest star Mircea Monroe) intervenes and helps him to open his eyes to his future.  Did you watch last week’s episode ? If you want to catch up before tonight’s episode there is a full and detailed recap, right here.

On last week’s Zoe (Rachel Bilson) began to grow leery of how much time Joel (guest star Josh Cooke) and Wade (Wilson Bethel) hung out, especially when it began to interfere with Joel’s writing. Ready to blame it all on Wade, Zoe did her best to entice Joel back into writing. Lavon (Cress Williams) was using the excuse of coaching his track team to avoid talking to AnnaBeth (Kaitlyn Black). Meanwhile, Lemon (Jaime King) encouraged Brick (Tim Matheson) to start dating again. George (Scott Porter) and Lynly (guest star Antoinette Robertson) discuss whether they want to talk to Lavon about their feelings for each other. Brandi Bradburn directed the episode written Sheila Lawrence.

On tonight’s show “THE VOICE” WINNER DANEILLE BRADBURY PERFORMS — When Zoe (Rachel Bilson) finds herself treating her uncle, she takes a chance and invites him to the Hanukkah celebration that she is hosting. However, this lands her in trouble once again with Vivian Wilkes (guest star Lauren Bittner). Lemon (Jaime King) enlists George (Scott Porter) and Lynly (guest star Antoinette Robertson) to help uncover crucial information about one of Brick’s (Tim Matheson) exes before he does anything rash. Meanwhile, Wade (Wilson Bethel) has a horrible toothache but refuses to go to the dentist, until Tansy (guest star Mircea Monroe) intervenes and helps him to open his eyes to his future. Cress Williams also stars. David Paymer directed the episode written Leila Gerstein.

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CW’s Hart of Dixie at 8:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you about the new season, so far!  Also check out a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Zoe is at the pharmacy in PJs and slippers and runs into her cousin Vivian who asks if she doesn’t wear shoes. She tries to explain that her BF’s grandmother is in town and needed hairspray, but her cousin isn’t interested. Zoe asks if she got her apology balloons and if she accepts. She says yes and no she’s not forgiven for crashing the party and lying to the family.

She tells her that her BF’s grandma is making Hanukah dinner and invites them to come. Vivian says they are not putting it behind them and that she needs to let it go. Lynly is cooking a load of pancakes and Lavon figures out she’s cooking for George. She tells him to deal with it and leaves. Zoe comes in and digs into the pancakes and explains that she needs a kitchen and dining room for the Hanukah dinner. He says it’s cool. Lynly asks what Hanukah celebrates and Zoe really has no clue.

She tries to explain there are potato pancakes and Macabees and dredels. Wade comes in, bites and apple and yelps and Lavon tells him to go the dentist. He freaks and runs out.

Brick is also freaking out – about his soon to be born baby. Lemon tells him to calm down. Brick says he needs to liquidate assets to buy her a safer car, a house and a whole bunch of stuff. Lemon tells him to calm down and says she’ll figure out if the baby is really his and then they can come up with a plan. She tells him to go straight to his office.

Lynly and George cuddle and she tells him she thinks Lavon is coming around but they need to avoid the carriage house. Lemon barges onto the houseboat and tells him that Shelby is seen months pregnant and that she’s back and bought Fancy’s. She tells him that Fancy is George’s fault so he needs to help her. They catch Lynly up and she says that she thinks Shelby has a rich sugar daddy to buy her the restaurant. They all agree to meet at noon to see what they each found out.

Joel’s grandma is happy to be in town and thrilled that he’s dating a doc. Joel says they’re planning the Hanukah menu and his Grandma says she can’t wait to meet Wade and Zoe’s family. She has to tell his G-ma that her local family won’t come because she blew it with them. His G-ma starts to launch into an explanation of Hanukah and Joel cuts her off but Zoe asks him to explain.

Brick runs smack into Shelby and she tells him she has HUGE news. She tells him she bought Fancy’s and is turning it into a cabaret. She tells him she understands why he dumped her because she was so selfish. She tells him they’ll catch up later and bustles off – no mention of her giant baby bump!

Wade nurses his sore tooth with an ice pack and calls the dentist to cancel his appointment. Tansy walks up and asks if he’s still scared of the dentist and he’s shocked to see her.

Joel’s G-ma (Sylvie) explains that Hanukah is a magical time and she can expect a miracle with her family. Zoe tells her she’s not expecting anything from her family.

Zoe walks in and Brick tells her she has a patient with a squirrel bite – it’s one of her cousins and Brick saved him for her to treat. He’s happily arranging flowers and smiling (is he excited about the idea of a new baby?) Zoe gets excited and says maybe Hanukah miracles do exist. Brick agrees that maybe they do!

Zoe treats her uncle – her dad was his brother. He says Vivian would kill him if she knew he was there with him. She says the squirrel took care of that. He says he met his wife in Blue Bell 50 years ago today then he tells her his wife passed on two years ago. She gives him a tetanus shot and he says her dad would have been proud of her. He tells her to keep trying with the rest of the family. She begs him to have lunch with her, Joel and Sylvia and he agrees as long as they keep it from Vivi.

Tansy reschedules Wade’s tooth appointment and tells him that she has an opportunity to earn some extra cash to help buy her own chair in a new salon. He asks what she’s doing and she serves a woman with divorce papers when she comes out of a shop. The lady gets mad and chases Tansy and Wade away.

Zoe brings her Uncle Brando (aka Vernon) to the Rammer Jammer to meet Joel and Sylvie. He does his awful Brando impression and Sylvie says it’s very good. Zoe tells them they both take art classes and then they start flirting. Zoe tells Joel that Grandma Sylvie is macking on her uncle.

Lemon, George and Lynly all come up empty and conclude that Brick must be the baby daddy. They tell Lemon that he can be a daddy without getting involved with Shelby. But then we see Brick making up a gift arrangement for Shelby. He tells the three of them that he has a date with Shelby for the Harvest Festival and he doesn’t want to hear their naysaying. George tells Lemon to take the nuclear step – she’s going to call Grandma Betty.

Brando, Sylvie, Zoe and Joel walk through town and Joel tries to drag her away to make arugula. He wants to go play bingo with Sylvie. Vivian walks up and chews Brando out for ditching them. She says he has a piano recital to go to. He promises to be back and Zoe says it’s an excellent Schwarzenegger. Vivian chews Zoe out and accuses her of manipulating old man Brando to try and worm her way back into the family. She orders Zoe to leave them alone.

Wade is freaking out about the dentist. Tansy tells him she’s had anxiety issues with her new job and has some medication to help her. She holds them out to Wade and he swallows three – which is two too many…

Grandma Breeland meets with Lemon and George and tells them that she’ll handle Brick and his baby mama.

Joel thanks Lavon for letting them use his kitchen and Sylvie looks sad. Joel tells Lavon that it’s Zoe’s fault for trying to fix up Brando Wilkes with Sylvie. She says they deserve to be happy and Joel says she was meddling to try and get in good with the Wilkes. Sylvie says she’s ready to go and that they don’t need an old lady hanging around. She says she’s going to senior bingo and Lavon walks her out.

Zoe agrees that she is sad and that it’s her fault. Joel makes her promise not to try and fix his Grandma up again. Zoe gets a text saying Dash threw out his back making a “So You Think You Can Dance” audition video and she has to go to work.

Grandma Breeland, Lemon and George stage an intervention. Grandma tells Brick that he has to do the right thing and marry Shelby. Lemon and George are stunned. Brick says it’s the first time he’s agreed with her in 50 years.

Wade tells Tansy she’s the best ex-wife he’s ever had and says she doesn’t deserve to have to be a process server. She tells him to stay on the bench. He’s high as a kite and thinks everyone is beautiful. He walks off to a pretty light.

Zoe runs into Brando and he says the piano recital was a fib to get him away from Zoe and her family. Brando tells her that Vivi is having a hard time right now and is just scapegoating Zoe. Brando asks where Sylvie is and although she promised Joel she wouldn’t meddle, she tells him where she’s gone. He says Hanukah could be Jewish Valentine’s Day. He heads off looking for Sylvie.

Zoe sees Wade wandering around the hay maze. She tells him that she’s having a great day when he grabs her and gives her a big old kiss then walks off! She is stunned into silence…

Wade wakes up and sees Zoe standing there. He says wow and guesses that his dream last night wasn’t a dream. He explains that he was on anti-anxiety meds and she demands that he promise it won’t happen it again. He says it won’t and asks her not to tell Joel. Tansy wakes up on the couch and tells Wade that he told her that the pills made him see the truth.

At the Harvest Festival, the townfolk are out having fun. Zoe asks Joel where Sylvie is and they are worried. He says she always wakes up at 5:30. Then Vivian comes up and says that Brando didn’t come home. Joel heads off to check the B&B and Vivi and Zoe go to check out the fair.

George tells Lynly that Brick is going to propose. She asks how he ended up dating the same woman and he says it’s a small town and he was sowing his wild oats.

Zoe is with Vivi who is upset. Zoe gets a text from Joel and says that Brando and Sylvie spent the night at the B&B. Vivi says Zoe shouldn’t have got him involve with someone who’s leaving in a few days and Z reminds her that she made up a dance recital and that’s what sent him back their way upset.

Brick wins Shelby a stuffed kitty at a carnival game. She tells him she has news to share with him. She whispers that she’s pregnant and he acts surprised. She says that having a baby is going to make her a better person. Brick asks who the lucky guy is and she says she knows it will be a shock but…

Zoe and Vivi find Sylvia and Brando cuddling in the hay maze. Vivi chews them out and Brando tells her that’s enough. He says she can’t take her husband leaving her out on everyone else. Vivi runs off and Zoe says she’ll handle it and they can carry on canoodling!

Shelby comes up and says hi to Lynly and George and invites them to the opening of her cabaret. She runs off and Lynly asks if he’s dated everyone at the festival. He tells her to be quiet and kiss him. She does and Lavon walks up and says yuck. It’s awkward and George says they are friends and Lynly and Lavon are family. She tells Lavon that George makes her feel safe and Lavon sighs and gives in to the inevitable.

Lemon tells her grandma that she’s making a mistake insisting he marry Shelby. She says she knows Shelby is a moneygrubbing harlot but there is enough shame on the family as it is. She says she’s going to keep a better eye on Brick’s new baby and make sure it’s raised right – she says the third time’s the charm. Brick comes in and tells them that he’s not the father – he says Shelby was artificially inseminated. Grandma Breeland is disappointed and says she had such high hopes. She chews out Brick and Lemon and says she’s up all night every night worrying about the idiots she loves. She stomps out and there’s a crash and a scream.

Tansy tells Wade he needs a good relationship. She tells him to date the librarian and he says no way. She says he’s not taking good care of himself and that he needs someone in his life to take care of him. He promises to look for a better class of woman if she’ll quit the job she hates. He offers her a job at the Rammer Jammer – she says it’s a deal but he still refuses to date the librarian.

Danielle Bradbury (formerly of The Voice) performs at the Harvest Festival. Zoe finds Vivi and she admits that she’s lonely this weekend because her son is with her ex and that she’s taking it out on Zoe. Zoe admits that she didn’t see them when she came to town because she’s had such a rough time with her mom and dad. Zoe invites her to Hanukah dinner that night and Vivi says okay maybe. She says it’s at 7 at the mayor’s house.

Zoe smiles hopefully as Danielle sings her heart out. Everyone dances and enjoys the performance. Sylvie and Brando are dancing together sweetly. BTWs the song is – The Heart of Dixie. Wade runs into VIvi and remembers her from high school – he says she was smart and pretty. He invites her to come into the RJ sometime and says it was nice running into him. Aww… there’s a nice pretty girl for him to date!

Lemon and Brick lament that Grandma Breeland broke her hip and one of them has to stay with her. He says they have to take care of her. They argue and try to guilt the other one into doing it. They agree to a coin flip. Lemon loses! Brick tells her bye-bye and that he’ll miss her. She’s devastated!

Sylvie and Joel cook away and Lavon loves the latkes. They are cooking lots and Zoe says if the Wilkes don’t come there will be leftovers for weeks. Then all of a sudden the whole Wilkes clan is there saying Shalom! There are introductions all around and the feast begins! Wade is there too and explains that he’s a neighbor. He and Vivi toast Happy Hanukah – ooh looks promising!

Sylvie lights the first candle as everyone watches her say the prayer in Hebrew. Lavon spins the Dreidel with the kids. Joel tells Zoe that he’s sorry for being so overprotective of Sylvie with Brando. He shares a fond memory of Sylvie and he and Zoe kiss sweetly.

The kids nosh on Hanukah cookies. Lynly thanks Lavon for giving her and George a chance. She says she trusts him and he says she should invite him to Hanukah dinner. She says he’s prepping for court and just went to get takeout from the RJ. He runs into Tansy and it’s terribly awkward. He grabs his food and rushes out. Uh-oh!

Vivi thanks Zoe for a great evening and leaves with Wade… Zoe watches and it looks like she’s torn between sad and happy…

Stormy Elizabeth:
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