Homeland Season 3 Episode 9 “Horse and Wagon” Sneak Peek Video & Spoilers

Homeland Season 3 Episode 9 “Horse and Wagon” Sneak Peek Video & SpoilersHomeland Season 3 Episode 9 “Horse and Wagon” Sneak Peek Video & Spoilers

Tonight’s episode of HOMELAND was another great episode and again it proves that everyone is not who we think they are.  I cannot wait for next week, good news, we have managed to get our hands on a sneak peek video and a few spoilers to whet your appetite as you wait  for next week’s episode 8 “Horse and Wagon.”

On tonight’s episode another shocker and it continues with the theme that no one is who they think they are.  It looks like Mira the character that I love to hate’s lover is a spy.  Saul has gone to get Brody and we know she is not going to be pleased about that, nor that he kept her in the dark.  Meanwhile, Carrie is getting more reckless and ended up getting herself shot in the shoulder.  Did you watch tonight’s episode?  We did and we recapped it right here for you.

Spoiler alert: If you’re one of those people who doesn’t like spoilers, stop reading now! We have some juicy spoilers for you about the season 3 episode 9 of Showtime’s “Homeland”

Official Showtime synopsis of next week’s episode: “Carrie and Brody reunite under difficult circumstances; Saul gets a win from an unlikely source; Dana struggles with her new life.”

On next week’s show Brody’s back, finally and Saul is offering him as he says, one more chance to be the man he was before they broke him.  So it looks like Brody will be working with Saul.  Not that Brody is back and he and Carrie is single will this mean they will get back together?  Don’t forget Carrie is pregnant.

Homeland season 3 episode 9, “Horse and Wagon”  airs on Showtime on November 24th, 2013. Check out the preview video below and some photos of season 3 episode 9 and let us know in the comments below what you think!  Are you enjoying season 3 of Homeland?


Heather DiPietro:
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