Jack Osbourne Dancing With the Stars Waltz Video 10/14/13

Jack Osbourne danced a Waltz to “I’m Kissing You” by Des’ree, on tonight’s episode 5 of Dancing with the Stars for her memorable moment. To check out Jack’s DWTS bio [CLICK HERE] If you missed tonight’s show you can read a full and detailed recap, right here.

The competition continues as nine remaining celebrities commemorate “The Most Memorable Year Of Their Life.”  Each couple will dance to a song of the celebrities choosing that encompasses a memorable time or experience in their life. These heartfelt performances promise to be some of the most intense and emotional of the season.

On last week’s show Jack was given a 24/30 for his Quickstep routine. Julianne said this about his performance,  “That is such an improvement from last week, ballroom is your strength but you were so focused and you lack having fun. Still it was so good”. If you missed any of last week’s performances, you can check out all the videos, right HERE.

Jack Osbourne and professional dancer Cheryl Burke: danced a waltz.  Jack tweeted bought his dance practice, “I think I have degenerative dance disease today. I’m all over the place and @CherylBurke is getting rather peeved. ::sigh::”

Judges commentsBruno “We are all lost in admiration for your strength and character, you did the best lines you ever did and got your bum into control.” Carrie Ann “It really is true, there is something magical about you, tonight there was an exceptional level of quality, the whole thing was great.” Len “People think the waltz is small, but it is a big dance and I appreciate that you had good hold; just work on your hands a bit.”

SCORES: Carrie Ann 9, Len 9, Bruno 9 TOTAL: 27 – Vote for Jack Osbourne and professional dancer Cheryl Burke at Voting #: 1-800-868-3402.

Watch the video below and let us know what you think? Do you think Jack did enough to avoid elimination next week? Sound out in the comments below!

Heather DiPietro:
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