Jada Pinkett Smith Confirms That Will Smith Is Bisexual and She Sleeps Around With Facebook “Open Marriage” Statement

Jada Pinkett Smith Confirms That Will Smith Is Bisexual and She Sleeps Around With Facebook "Open Marriage" StatementJada Pinkett Smith Confirms That Will Smith Is Bisexual and She Sleeps Around With Facebook "Open Marriage" Statement

Don’t you just love it when someone sets out to clarify something but instead just complicates it? By someone, I’m talking about Jada Pinkett Smith who recently made comments that seemed to imply that she and her husband, Will Smith enjoy the freedom of an open marriage. Over the years there have definitely been some instances when it looked like one or both of them was sniffing around where they didn’t exactly belong. There have even been instances where Will’s interest in men has been questioned. I think a few weeks ago Jada was looking to hush the critics but in reality what she presented was a game of talking around the direct questions that have been asked and the media was left to think that she gives Will whatever freedom he wants – in the name of trust.


Apparently girlfriend realized that people didn’t form the conclusion that she had hoped that her words would bring so she posted a lengthy piece on Facebook, pondering trusting someone vs. owning them. She clarified her original statement by saying,

Will and I BOTH can do WHATEVER we want, because we TRUST each other to do so.”

Okay, that’s fine. But do you guys realize that once again she has yet to really acknowledge the questions with a direct answer? I mean, if someone accuses my husband of being gay and a cheater, I’m instinctively going to counter with a blatant denial, because that’s what we do isn’t it? We aim to protect the integrity and honor of those closest to us. The fact that Jada can’t seem to do that indicates to me that she refuses to lie for Will, but felt compelled to say something. She hasn’t set the record straight, probably because the media has the truth. She has just set out to try and lessen the impact of it, don’t you think? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Cate Meighan:
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