Jay-Z doesn’t look like the guy who would cheat, does he? He’s a rapper and a music mogul. His adoring wife, Beyonce, is always by his side, carrying their relationship like a well-thought out plan invented by some demi-god. They are, as a matter of fact, a perfect couple. Why would such a perfect couple be splintered by rumours of cheating?
Why would such a couple be privy to nosy canoodling in the corner booths of late night diners? Well, if you think Jay-Z doesn’t look like a cheater – think again. According to latest reports, Rita Ora – the Brit-Brit singer of R.I.P – “has been forced to deny claims that she has been having an affair with her Roc Nation boss, Jay-Z.”
It all started with Holly Hagan. Who is Holly Hagan? She’s the star of Geordie Shore – a British version of Jersey Shore. So, you already know where this is heading. Holly tweeted on Wednesday night, “I’ve been told to say that Rita ora has been ALLEGEDLY bukin jay z! I repeat ALLEGEDLY. Apparently beyonce is denying claims… But if I gt cheated on I’d also deny it #embarrassing.” (Note: we’re not going to add “sic”, as it is just too atrocious.)
To this, Ora responded, “I stayed silent on one bulls**t rumour but this one I have to speak. Neva eva will any1 includin a red head dum z listin attention seekin whore try talk s**t about me& my family holly wateva da fuk ur name is.” Hagan then replied to Ora’s scathing tweet, “You are all thick if u think just because someone’s absolutely stunning they won’t get cheated on…Cheryl cole? No relationship is perfect. Oooopsy getting told off don’t shoot the messenger! Of course I’m only a Z-list why would anyone care what I say ;) night twitter.“
If that’s too much to process and/or understand, you’re not the only one. What it boils down to: Rita Ora had an affair with Jay-Z and Holly Hagan spilled the beans. Is this true, however? No, it’s not. According to Hagan’s representative, “Holly was commenting on a topic which she saw trending on Twitter involving Rita Ora. Miss Ora responded to Holly with some unkind words, to which Holly didn’t respond as she’s been a victim of online bullying before and didn’t want to encourage further with a response.”
Does Jay-Z look like a cheater? No, he doesn’t – but then again, neither did Ted Bundy look like a serial killer…