Jenelle Evans Nude Photo Threats: Blackmails Boyfriend Nathan Griffith’s Ex-Wife, Allison, With Naked Picture Reveal

Nowadays, I’m starting to feel like I’m watching sociopaths rule Twitter. There are some deranged tweets on that website, and they are completely unregulated! I mean, threats and blackmailing and creepy tweets should be banned, no? Or has this become the norm?

The reason I bring this up is because Teen Mom star Jenelle Evans has been trying to screw with her boyfriend’s ex-wife, Allison, by threatening to post nude photos of her. If this happened in a local community, a school, even at the workplace, it would be reported and stopped. But since it’s on the Internet, it’s allowed to continue unchecked!

This whole drama started when Allison called Jenelle ‘unstable’ last week. Well, Jenelle is unstable so she took offense to that and started tweeting, “Who’s ready for some naked pics to be published?! Now I got yr enemies contacting me?! PERFECTOOOOO!”

Not only that, but Jenelle’s been posting about Allison’s supposed drug addictions [she’s one to talk] and bad parenting skills, and attacking her with vicious tweets all day long. And when Allison didn’t respond to those, she even posted a picture of her daughter online. I mean, this is classic psycho material right here, and it would draw police attention in any normal setting. But not Twitter, no. This is normal for Twitter. Terrifying.

Also, Jenelle’s boyfriend is an ass for letting this happen in the first place, and then doing nothing to intervene. Forget his relationship history with Allison, he had a child with this woman! How can he let Jenelle post naked pictures of her? I mean, it will affect their daughter too, not just Allison. Assholism is contagious, and he might have gotten it from Jenelle. Either that, or he’s just a limp d*** who’s too scared to do anything about it.

Photo Credit: Twitter

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