I can’t keep track of how many times Jennifer Aniston has and hasn’t been pregnant, with twins or otherwise, but OK! Magazine has just put out another edition claiming her “baby dreams are finally coming true” and that she’ll be giving “Justin two sons at once!” The magazine goes on to say that Jen’s been undergoing “IVF treatments for some time now” and is now hoping for twins.
What do you make of this story? We’re not sure who or what to believe — but it’s probably not this source or story. The mag drags the rumor out a step further, claiming that Justin is “taking the lead in interviewing and hiring two nannies and one extra bodyguard specifically for the twins.”
I guess it’s never too early too start looking for babysitters. I wonder how many nannies out there watch imaginary babies? Let us know what you think about Jen’s five-hundredth birth story and whether or not you believe this rumor.
Make sure to pick up the newest edition of OK! at the store to get the entire scoopage. Jennifer has made comments about what she thinks about the media totally spinning her life out of control, and we’re almost certain she’s getting a laugh at this recent story. A laugh if it’s totally fake. And a laugh if the magazine has finally jumped on the correct moment.