Jennifer Aniston Topless In We’re The Millers Sequel

As always, the shining beacon of respected journalism The National Enquirer has decided to give us updates on Jennifer Aniston‘s latest career decisions. According to a new report from the Enquirer, “Jennifer is considering going topless in the sequel to her hit comedy We’re the Millers.”

A source tells the Enquirer, “Jennifer is finally giving up on her dream of getting pregnant and instead refocusing on her career, and [going topless] will vamp up her image.” Um, because her image needs vamping up? Most of her roles have gone the stereotypical ‘sexy’ route, including We’re The Millers and Horrible Bosses. Her image and career don’t need vamping up. What they need is a good kick to remind her to stop doing the same movie over and over again, and try stretching her skills for once. Well, I suppose if you can make $10 million dollars doing the same thing, why bother doing anything different? It’s not like Jennifer seems to care about critical acclaim or career longevity. She has enough money to last her several lifetimes.

The report also tries to bring the whole Jennifer Aniston – Justin Theroux situation into the story, with the source adding, “If Jen thought there was any chance that she’d be getting pregnant, there’s no way she’d prepare for a project in which she’ll have to strip down. Jen’s completely torn over the prospects of going topless because she’s made $45 million from her ‘America’s Sweetheart’ persona. She’s seriously considering revealing her breasts in Millers 2 before she gets too old!”

Oh jeez. This report is so full of contradictions. She’s already played a stripper in the first We’re The Millers, so how exactly is that in line with her ‘America’s Sweetheart’ persona? She hasn’t been America’s Sweetheart in a very long time. Although I do agree that it’s unlikely that she’ll get pregnant any time soon, so it wouldn’t be completely outlandish for her to play the role again in an inevitable sequel.

Siyana Riley:
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