Jennifer Garner Says Ben Affleck Oscar Speech Was Huge Compliment: Saving Face Or Simply Lying?

At some point, you almost feel sorry for the people in Hollywood. They live with such a state of delusion that it’s a wonder they’re able to live normal lives at all. We’ve written extensively on Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck’s relationship – now, we know that this upsets some of you guys for some reason. A lot of commentators have bashed us for saying that their relationship is a sham, and that it’s not genuine. What a lot of people don’t understand, especially those that don’t work in the industry, is that everything in Hollywood is fake. That celebrity that you love that is hilarious and funny and smart – it’s a public image. That marriage that you think is a gem – they’re pretending. It’s not that there aren’t exceptions, but rather that there are more that follow the rule.

Now, we’ve documented their public image in the face of Ben’s Oscar speech – you know, the speech where Ben discusses how much ‘work’ their marriage is. Sure, we agree – not all marriages are perfect, and of course it IS work to make a marriage succeed. However, is there seriously ANYONE here who, after winning the biggest prize in your industry and speaking in front of millions of people, would go up on stage and in thanking one of the most important people in your life, mention that she makes you WORK. Of course, he tried to save face and it worked to some extent, because there’s clearly people who will defend him to death on the Internet.

Now, Jennifer is opening up about the speech, and she tells the Telegraph, I know Ben, I knew he meant it as the hugest, warmest compliment in the world. I think he was saying, ‘Look, what we have is really real and I value it above all and I’m in it with you and I know you are in it with me.’ That’s the way I took it.”

See: Delusion. Jennifer is incapable of admitting that what he did was a jackass move, and so she resorts to defending him. Hugest compliment in the world? Really? He just told the whole damn world that you make him work! Regardless of what he meant it as, most wives would not be okay with this. It speaks to Jennifer’s commitment that she didn’t even say one bad word about him. Meanwhile, Ben is practically incapable of giving a fully fledged compliment to his wife without adding in something negative.

Of course, Jennifer tries to defend the backlash Ben got from his speech as well, saying, “Poor guy. It’s so horrible to put yourself out there – he didn’t have to worry about it from my point of view.”

And that is exactly the problem. He didn’t think about his wife’s point of view. And shouldn’t he? When talking about their marriage in front of the world, isn’t is sacrosanct to think about your wife’s feelings?

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