Jennifer Garner Pregnancy Confirmed? Couple Spotted At Medical Center (PHOTOS)

Jennifer Garner Pregnancy Confirmed? Couple Spotted At Medical Center (PHOTOS) 0717Jennifer Garner Pregnancy Confirmed? Couple Spotted At Medical Center (PHOTOS) 0717

Does this seem like a closed case for Jennifer Garner? Baby bump? Check. Mystery medical appointment with husband Ben Affleck? Check. Happy smiles? Check. I hate to label someone pregnant when they might have just eaten a heavy salad but this is two days in a row. I’d say, if they weren’t already, the Jennifer Garner pregnant rumors should be kicking into high gear with these latest pics. Sure, there are plenty of reasons she and Ben would be coming out of a medical building but sometimes the obvious choice is the right one.

I didn’t have a lot to say about this yesterday and I have even less to say today. It’s their fourth kid. We knew he wanted to try for one more boy so congrats to them. What I will say is that I really dig Jennifer’s low-key style. Some call is sloppy but I just call it normal. She really puts very little effort in on her off days and I like that about her especially since I think of Ben as kinda high maintenance. He seems like the type that always wants his women done up like JLo when they are together. But I guess not. She just gave an interview to Redbook magazine highlighting her lack of try. “Most days I don’t get around to makeup. If I do, it’s pretty simple: concealer, blush, mascara and some lipcolor…. Pulling out the blow-dryer and the curling iron really does make a difference. But to be perfectly honest, I don’t know even know where the hair dryer is in my house.”

True dat.

So what do you think? Are we still on board with the bun in the oven theory or are we jumping the gun yet again? I’d say it’s pretty obvious at this point but I’d love to be proven wrong for her sake. Four kids under the age of 8. Yikes.


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