Jennifer Lopez Terrible Mother: Twins Raised By the Nannies and Out of Control (PHOTO)

You know it’s a slow news cycle when we start reading exposes’ on who the worst Hollywood moms are, right? I mean we do see examples of less than stellar parenting nearly every day anyway and it’s pretty clear that some babies (Ahem, Nori) are destined to be raised by their nannies for the next 18 years. But do you think that Jennifer Lopez is the kind of parent to forget that she has a set of 5-year old twins? According to the Dec. 9th print edition of Star Magazine J Lo isn’t exactly a hands-on mom. In fact she is far from it and prefers not to be involved with her kids day-to-day schedules, says the well placed source.

I’m not sure how much time she devotes to her kids but when we have seen J Lo and family out in public, presumably for a photo op, it has hardly been a portrait of domestic bliss. Multiple sources have discussed the twins being out of control and not behaving even in a simple restaurant setting. I know how hard it is at times to take toddlers out, but her twins are now 5 which in most families is long past the point of tantrums.

Perhaps it’s not bad parenting so much as it is that her kids are learning by example. J Lo’s diva demands and meltdowns are kind of epic so I’d have to think that her little ones have seen her have lose it quite often. Maybe they just have learned that if you throw a big enough fit people give you what you want. Hey, it works for mommy, right? Do you believe that J Lo is really a lousy mother or even MIA from her kids lives? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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