Jodi Arias Cut Travis Alexander’s Throat While He Was Still Alive Before Shooting Him – Testimony By Medical Examiner Dr. Kevin Horn

It has been a really gruesome week of testimony in Travis Alexander’s murder case. Jodi Arias claims to have killed her on/off boyfriend in Arizona back in 2008 in self-defense, but almost nobody seems to be buying it. Jodi has maintained that she shot Travis in the head and then stabbed him 29 times and slit his throat. Back in January the Medical Examiner, Dr. Kevin Horn testified about Travis’ injuries and he was back on the stand yesterday to reiterate the fact that there’s no way possible the events unfolded as Jodi claims.

Horn maintains that Travis was actually stabbed and sliced before Jodi shot him in the head. That shot to his head would “probably” have caused him to lose consciousness within seconds and take only a step or two before collapsing, Horn testified that being struck with a .25 caliber bullet would have taken Travis down and there was no way that he could get back up because it would require particular brain activity to do so. Also Travis was very much alive when his throat was sliced because he bled. That requires a beating heart. He would not have done so if he were already dead.

The difference in Jodi’s probable conviction truly is in the details. If she shot him in the head and ran, then it would possibly look like self-defense. Stabbing him 29 times, slitting his throat and then blasting his brains out is overkill. It looks like an act of rage and shows a sense of premeditation. That premeditation is really necessary to get a death penalty verdict which is quite obviously what the prosecution is going for.

Do you believe anything that Jodi says at this point? She has switched her story so many times and st quick to think on her feet when she is caught in a lie. Will she get the death penalty if convicted? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

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