Joe Francis Going to Jail: Prison For Girls Gone Wild Brute – UPDATE

Joe Francis the man who is well known for being the founder and creator of Girls Gone Wild could soon be behind bars soon – turns out he himself gone a little wild and attacked a woman very violently in his own Hollywood mansion two years ago in 2011.

It’s been reported that there are three women who’ve accused Joe of inviting them to his mansion in Hollywood which lead to a night out and at the end he wouldn’t allow the women to leave. I assume that some sort of argument began, and this lead to Joe laying the smack down on one of the woman with a choke slam that ended up with him responsible for hitting her head on the tile floor.

Joe Francis was convicted of five charges, one was for assault, three more for false imprisonment and last but not least there was one for dissuading a witness from reporting; can’t wait to see how he likes it in prison.

Though it seems that Joe Francis will not go down without a fight, at least he won’t be choke slamming anyone else. Joe filed a court documents demanding that a new trial be held due to allegations of insufficient evidence.  I don’t see this ending well for him and I think he deserves some jail time.  What about you?

UPDATE: TMZ says Joe has been ordered to serve at least 270 DAYS in county jail.

He’s also been sentenced to 36 months probation and has been ordered to complete a Level 3 Anger Management course.

He’s also been ordered to complete 1 year of psychological counseling at a rate of 1 session per week.

Joanna Mazewski:
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