Justin Bieber Desperate to Reunite with Selena Gomez – He’ll Do Anything To Get Back Together

Justin Beber’s life is a real mess, in spite of his tweets that say otherwise. He is watching his career drop like an elevator, partly because he refuses to even acknowledge that some of his recent behavior may not set the best example. Instead he is a typically cocky 19-year-old that knows everything and that personal misconception isn’t sitting very well with anyone over the age of 25.  His handlers claim that his split from Selena Gomez is what has sent the young star into a tailspin, yet that split is due to Justin’s disloyalty, a situation he caused in the first place.

Supposedly Justin thinks that reuniting with Selena would cure all that is ailing him and according to the April 15th print edition of In Touch, after much begging he was able to convince her to see him face to face last week. He supposedly showed up and tried to convince the former Disney star to give things between them yet another shot, because he has changed. Or is willing to change, or something.

It doesn’t look like Justin’s attempt brought him much luck and why should it? Selena has been away from him for long enough to really see what a lying douche bag he was. In the few months since their split Selena has sent some crystal clear messages herself. She no longer wants to be known as the good girl that saves Justin and his career. She wants to be treated like a grown woman and that means no more little boys. Hell, she was just rumored to have run a whole train with The Brick Squad and has been running with the likes of Wacka Flacka Flame and Gucci Mane.  Clearly she is done toying with unfaithful teenaged boys, right?

Will Selena give Justin yet another chance to break her heart? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Cate Meighan:
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