Justin Bieber’s Spitting Victim Addison Ulhaq Lawyers Up And Files Police Report Against The Bratty Pop Star!

The person Justin Bieber allegedly spit-attacked at a nightclub has come forward, with some lawyer action of course, and filed a police report. As of yet, Addison Ulhaq — the person Bieber allegedly spit-attacked — hasn’t pressed charges, but many people think that it will escalate into something bigger in the near future.

TMZ exclusively reports: The man behind the allegation is Addison Ulhaq — a DJ at the Social Room in Columbus — who told police the trouble began on July 13 when Bieber’s security team thought he was taking pictures of the singer inside the VIP room of the club.  Addison — who’s a junior at Ohio State University and a neuroscience major — says he didn’t snap ANY photos … but Bieber didn’t buy his denial and cussed him out and spat in his face.

The police report, obtained by TMZ, reads — “The victim stated that the suspect told him that ‘His mother was a bitch, his father was a bitch and he is a bitch.'” Addison’s lawyers say Bieber’s spit assault left saliva and mucus in Addison’s eye, nose, and mouth … disgusting.

While Addison’s police report alludes to the fact that he doesn’t mean it to become anything bigger right now, and merely wanted to document the incident, it’s totally unclear whether or not he and lawyers plan to file a lawsuit in the near future. What do you think? Do you think this dude should file a lawsuit against Bieber for spitting in his face?

Even if Bieber doesn’t get spat a lawsuit, he really needs to reevaluate his situation and stop acting so bratty. After all the other stuff that’s happened in Bieber’s world lately, including peeing in the back of a restaurant kitchen (VIDEO), I can unfortunately believe that Bieber would actually spit in someone’s face.

Image credit to Fameflynet

Nicholas Sanford:
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