Justin Bieber Refused US Citizenship – Wild Behavior and Suspected Drug Use Blamed

Is Justin Bieber being urged to become a US citizen to maintain his loyal fanbase? Even with all the tabloid stories I read, this has got to be one of the most ridiculous.

The National Enquirer reports, “Canadian-born Justin Bieber is being urged by his management team to apply for U.S. citizenship, but the 19-year-old chart-topper’s advisers fear that his out-of-control antics may ruin his chances.”

A supposed ‘source’ close to Bieber explains, “[Justin Bieber’s people] are desperate to save his flagging image by aligning him with his biggest fan base, which is in the U.S. [However], if he wants to get his citizenship he has to prove he’s of good moral character, [although] his recent track record isn’t great.”

Alright, so let’s start at the beginning. Justin Bieber is one of the most internationally famous people in the world – you think if he wanted US citizenship, his ‘out of control antics’ would affect that? I mean, he’s going to get up to these antics whether he’s American or whether he’s Canadian, and it’s not going to change because of his citizenship.

Second, does anybody really think that Justin becoming an American citizen is going to save his ‘flagging image’ or make his fanbase more loyal to him? I hardly think Bieber’s fan base is concerned about whether he’s a US citizen or not – more likely, they just care about how cute he is, or how cute he’s not. There’s also the fact that citizenship right now is probably the last thing on his mind, especially with his recent run-ins with the law and how much his personal life is spiraling out of control.

What do you guys think about this ludicrous story? Let us know in the comments.

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Siyana Riley:
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