Kaley Cuoco Dating Ryan Sweeting: Tennis Pro Beats Out Henry Cavill – Learn Why Kaley Has Become A Career Whore

Kaley Cuoco Dating Ryan Sweeting: Tennis Pro Beats Out Henry Cavill - Read Why Kaley Has Become A Career WhoreKaley Cuoco Dating Ryan Sweeting: Tennis Pro Beats Out Henry Cavill - Read Why Kaley Has Become A Career Whore

For someone who has managed to keep most of her previous relationships incredibly private, I am growing increasingly surprised by Kaley Cuoco’s inability to keep her love life quiet.

I mean, she dated her Big Bang Theory co-star Johnny Galecki for an entire two years without anybody finding out. And Big Bang Theory was, and continues to be, one of the highest rated network shows on air! So why has she been pimping out her relationships and private life through People and US Weekly? I mean, US Weekly and People are not regular tabloids, let’s be real – they are very well connected with publicists and if they have a scoop, it’s usually given by the celebrities or approved by the celebrities [and their publicists].

I mean, everyone saw through Kaley’s relationship with Henry Cavill, which was deemed a PR romance by practically every outlet online. They announced their relationship through People without any buildup, and then proceeded to arrange back to back photo ops with the paparazzi pretty much immediately. The public called them out on it, and then they panicked and decided to break it off.

Kaley Cuoco Dating Ryan Sweeting: Tennis Pro Beats Out Henry Cavill - Read Why Kaley Has Become A Career WhoreKaley Cuoco Dating Ryan Sweeting: Tennis Pro Beats Out Henry Cavill - Read Why Kaley Has Become A Career Whore

I would have thought that Kaley learned her lesson from that incident and decided to stay undercover for a while, but that doesn’t seem to have happened. US Weekly has announced that Kaley was spotted stepping out with tennis player Ryan Sweeting, hinting that there might be something going on with them. Why Kaley, why?!

So there’s two explanations. The less cynical one is that Kaley’s been followed by the paparazzi since she started dating Henry, and the paps have refused to leave her alone, probably hoping to catch her back with Henry. I mean, they know where she lives, eats, and hangs out now, especially after all those pre-arranged photo ops last month.

The cynical explanation is that Kaley’s trying for a movie career [or something else equally major] and she’s trying to build buzz. Not everyone can be Jessica Chastain and book lead roles in this business purely based on talent, so Kaley’s going the tried and tested route of getting tabloid fame before trying for anything bigger.

While I’d like to think that she didn’t know she was being followed by the paparazzi, the fact that the exclusive came from US Weekly doesn’t bode well for that theory.

What do you guys think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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